Presidential Publications

Most publications of U.S. Government agencies follow the classification rules as presented in the main guidance sections. The publications of the Executive Office of the President, the Vice President, and Presidential commissions and committees established by executive order that report to the President have specific rules outlined here.

The agency symbol assigned to the President of the United States is PR, followed by the number corresponding to the ordinal number of succession to the Presidency:

Subdivisions after the agency symbol are established following normal practice. Special treatment prevents unnecessary establishment of new classes and keeps together the publications of organizations appointed by one President.

Presidential Committees and Commissions

Over the years, U.S. Presidents have appointed a number of special committees and commissions to study particular problems. Their findings are then reported directly to the Chief Executive. These organizations usually cease to exist after making their report. Publications are typically few in number, and normal bureau treatment is not practical.

Presidentially-appointed committees and commissions are assigned to one class: PR --.8:. The dashes in this example correspond to the number of the Presidential administration. A Cutter number is assigned to each commission or committee based on the principal subject word of its name.

A slash and a Cutter number based on the principal subject word of the publication’s title follow the Cutter designation for the committee or commission. The PR--.8: class is unusual in using two Cutter numbers in sequence after the colon. The same treatment is used for commissions established by Congress (see Congressional and Legislative Branch Publications).

In this example, the ‘44’ identifies this as the Obama administration (44th President) and uses the Cutter ‘AR 5’ for ‘Army’ and ‘R 29’ for ‘Report.’

When a class has been established for a committee, the class continues under the establishing President, even though a new President may be elected. If the new President renews the establishment of the committee, then the class is transferred to the .8 class for the subsequent President.

Presidential Commissions vs Presidential Initiatives

While Presidential committees and commissions are classed under PR, Presidential initiatives are typically classed as part of the agency in which the initiative is housed. This can be determined by checking the Executive Order establishing the initiative. For jointly-housed or co-chaired initiatives, class the initiative under the primary agency based on funding or predominance of staffing.

ED 1.2:L 34/3 Fulfilling America's future; Latinas in the U.S., 2015 (White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics)    
ED 1.8:N 21 More than mascots: a resource guide for ensuring native youth experience safe and welcoming school environments (White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education)

Permanent Agencies Reporting to the President

Beginning with President John F. Kennedy’s administration, the continuing offices assigned to the President, which make up the Executive Office of the President, have been given permanent classes under the symbol PREX.

A change in administration does not change the classes for such offices as the Office of Management and Budget, Council of Economic Advisers, Council on Environmental Quality, etc. These agencies have been given individual classification numbers as subordinate offices of the Executive Office of the President:

PREX 2.2:M 31/4/2018 The President’s management agenda (Office of Management and Budget)
PREX 6.2:C 99 The cost of malicious cyber activity to the U.S. economy (Council of Economic Advisers)

Book numbers are added in the usual manner. See Cutter Numbers and Additions to Book Numbers for more information.

Additionally, if a commission or committee has been established for an indefinite period, then its serial publications are assigned unique classes in PREX 1 rather than in the PR stem to avoid establishing a new class with every new President. 

Vice President of the United States

Publications from the Vice President of the United States are classed using PRVP, followed by the corresponding number of the Presidential administration:

PRVP 44.2:J 57          Subsidized jobs: helping Americans get back to work (Middle Class Task Force, the Office of the Vice President of the United States)

Superintendent of Documents Classification Guidelines

Introduction to the Classification Guidelines
The Classification System: A Brief History
Structure of the Classification Number
Sorting in SuDocs Order
Example of a SuDocs Sort
Class Stems
Letter Author Symbols
New Agency Classes
Joint Publications from Different Agencies
Publications Prepared by One Agency for Another
Serials with Changing Publishers
Joint Publications Issued in Series
Subordinate Offices
First and Second Levels
Assignment of Classes
Third and Fourth Levels
Joint Publications from Different Subagencies
Name Changes and Reorganizations
Category Classes
Most Frequently Used Category Classes
.1 - Annual reports
.2 - General publications
.8 - Handbooks, manuals, and guides
.11 - Maps and Charts
.12 - Posters
Less Frequent Category Classes
.3 - Bulletins
.4 - Circulars
.5 - Laws
.6 - Regulations, rules, and instructions
.7 - Press releases
.9 - Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
.10 - Directories
.13 - Forms
.14 - Addresses
Cutter Numbers
Cutter Table and Its Use
Filing Order for Cutter Numbers
Slash Numbers
Selecting Cutter Words
Words to Avoid when Cuttering
Sets With a Collective Title
Foreign Language Editions
Numbers in Titles
Cuttering Acronyms and Initialisms
Cuttering: Geographic Topics
Cuttering Related Documents Covering the Same Subject but Different
General Subjects and Geographic Terms
Cuttering Geographic Terms Using Personal Names
Cuttering Multi-Part Geographic Names
State Cutter Numbers
State Cutter Numbers Table
Additions to Book Numbers
Year Format
Dates for Revised Editions
Punctuation in Dates or Date Ranges
Volume, Part, Chapter, and Section Numbers
Volume Number and Date: Which Comes First?
Volume Number Followed by Date
Date Followed by Volume Number
Words and Abbreviations
Foreign-language Publications
Multiple Word Phrases in a Suffix
Multiple Versions of a Publication
Corrected Copies of Numbered Volumes
Standard Abbreviations and Words
State Abbreviations
Classes by Publication Type
Preliminary, Initial, Draft, and Final Reports
Preprints and Separates
Summaries and Executive Summaries
Electronic Products
Sets with Multiple Publication Types
Monographic Series
Identifying a Monographic Series
Assigning New Series Classes
Series Related to Existing Classes by Subject
Structure of the Series Class
Departmental Series vs. Bureau Series
Series Book Numbers
Series Numbering
Unusual Series Numbering
Series Numbering and Revised Editions
Numbering system changes
Two series on one publication
Series number vs. Agency control number
Letters and Phrases Appearing on Publications
Volumes, Parts, or Sections
Publications Which Are Not Serials or Series
Multipart Monographs versus Series
Other Situations
Continuing Resources
Identifying a Continuing Resource
Integrating Resources
Assigning New Continuing Resource Classes
Works Related to Category Classes
Works Related to Existing Classes by Subject
New Classes to Reflect Changes for Existing Serials
Serials within Series: Separate Class Approach
Serials with a Constant Series Number
Cuttering a Serial or, When Not to Establish a New Class Stem for a Serial
Serials within Series: Cuttering Approach
Publications of Short Duration
Other cases for Cuttering
Serials Designation
Number 1 for First Month Appears Annually
Date incorporated in Series Number
Volume and Number
Annual Publications
Semiannual Publications
Publications Issued Three or More Times a Year
Variations in Publication Cycles
Release Date vs. Coverage Date
Special Issues of Serials
Frequently Revised Monographs Cataloged as Serials
Presidential Publications
Presidential Committees and Commissions
Presidential Commissions vs Presidential Initiatives
Permanent Agencies Reporting to the President
Vice President of the United States
Congressional and Legislative Branch Publications
Y 4. - Congressional Committee Publications
Constructing the Committee Designation
Reorganized Committees and Name Changes
Y 4. Committee Print or Y 1. Report?
Joint Hearings
Publications Prepared by One Committee for the Use of Another
Individual Book Numbers
House Book Numbers
Numbered and Unnumbered Documents in One Class
Senate Book Numbers
Cutter Numbers
Multipart Works
Errors in Numbering on Publications
Y 1.-: - Congress as a Whole, House and Senate as a Whole
Individual Book Numbers
House and Senate Documents and Reports
Y 1.1/2: - U. S. Congressional Serial Set
Y 1.2/5: - United States Code
Boards, Commissions, and Independent or Temporary Committees Established by Congress
Boards, Commissions, and Committees Established within the Executive Branch
Executive Branch Independent Agencies with Limited Duration or Publishing Output
Y 3. - Boards, Commissions, and Independent or Temporary Committees
Agency Designations
Category and Series Designations
Related Series or Subjects
Individual Book Numbers
Y 3.2: - Limited Boards, Commissions, and Independent Committees
Y 4.2: and Y 4.3: - Select and Special Committees (As Appointed)
Y 7.1: - Memorial Addresses
Y 9. - Speeches
Y 10: and Y 11: - Subordinate Offices
X 1.1: - Congressional Record
XJH: and XJS: - House and Senate Journals
Y and X General Issues
Serial Publications
Star Prints
U.S. Participation in International Organizations
Cartographic Resources
Category Classes for Maps and Charts
General Rules
U.S. Geological Survey Maps
Map Reference Numbers
Northwest (NW) Quadrant
Northeast (NE) Quadrant
Southwest (SW) Quadrant
Southeast (SE) Quadrant
Edition Date
Bureau of Land Management Maps
U.S. Forest Service Maps
Revision Dates
National Ocean Service Nautical Charts
Map Types
Classification Guidelines for Digital Reproductions
Classification by Type of Digital Reproduction

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