NIAAA seeks grant applications through a variety of requests for applications (RFAs), program announcements (PAs), and other funding opportunity announcements.

COVID-19 Funding Information

Types of Funding Opportunities

There are several types of funding opportunities, each designed to meet specific research needs.

NIAAA Funding Opportunity Announcements

Clinical Trial Requirements for Grants and Contracts

See whether your trial meets the definition of a clinical trial and the specific requirements necessary if it does.

NIAAA Research Priorities

See NIAAA’s research priorities and its updated strategic plan.

NIAAA Advisory Council Concept Clearance

Concepts that cleared through the NIAAA Advisory Council alert researchers to NIAAA interests and potential funding opportunities.

Funded Projects

A complete list of NIAAA-funded extramural grants is available from the NIH RePORTER database. Going back to 1988, the database includes research summaries and other information about each grant.

Application Process

Visit the Application Process page to get the information about grant applications, the peer review process, and understanding how applications are selected for funding.