Statement by Ambassador Shea at the WTO Trade Policy Review of Indonesia

WTO TRADE POLICY REVIEW OF INDONESIA Statement by U.S. Representative Ambassador Dennis C. Shea As Delivered Geneva – December 9, 2020 Thank you, Chair, and thank you to Ambassador Villalobos. The United States is pleased to welcome Vice Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga and the other members of the Indonesian delegation to the Trade Policy …

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U.S. Statement at the Trade Policy Review of Thailand

Trade Policy Review of Thailand Statement by the U.S. Representative Geneva, November 24, 2020 As Delivered Thank you, Chair. We welcome Thailand’s delegation today for its eighth Trade Policy Review (TPR). Thailand is an important economic partner of the United States, and we share a long trade relationship, dating back to the 1833 U.S.-Thailand Treaty …

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Statement by Ambassador Shea: WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations Heads of Delegation Meeting Statement by Ambassador Dennis C. Shea October 9, 2020 Thank you, Santiago, for your report and reflections on the week, as well as sharing some of your plans for the intersessional period leading up to the November meetings. The United States continues to support your process, which …

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Statement by Ambassador Shea: WTO Heads of Delegation Meeting on Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

Together with other co-sponsors, we also put forward a revised version of our joint notifications and transparency text, so as to allow a text-based negotiation of a core element of the discipline that will be key to the success of any future agreement …

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Statement by Ambassador Shea: WTO Rules Negotiating Group – Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

Meeting of the Heads of Delegation Statement by Ambassador Dennis C. Shea Deputy U.S. Trade Representative and U.S. Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization Geneva, 21 July 2020 Santiago, thank you for your efforts over the last challenging months. We appreciate your calling us back together today to provide our initial reactions to the …

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Statement by Ambassador Shea at Heads of Delegation Meeting

I would like to use today’s meeting to highlight the importance of meaningful WTO reform to the United States given the publication this past weekend of the U.S. President’s Trade Policy Agenda. This important report provides direct guidance to me and the rest of the Executive Branch in the U.S. Government on trade policy priorities.

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Statements by the United States at the November 22, 2019, DSB Meeting

Statements by the United States at the Meeting of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body Delivered by Ambassador Dennis Shea, U.S. Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization Geneva, November 22, 2019 NOTE: Only item 4 was delivered by Ambassador Shea. The other statements in this document were delivered at staff level. Read the Statements (PDF 274 KB) …

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Statements delivered by Ambassador Dennis Shea – WTO General Council Meeting Geneva, July 24, 2019

We thank the proponents for their paper.  While we disagree with much of the paper’s content, we expect some of the issues it raises to be a significant part of the discussion in this Council as we approach MC12, so we appreciate the opportunity to confront them head on. 

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U.S. Statement at the Trade Policy Review of Canada

Canada is a good neighbor and key trading partner, and its trade regime continues to be of keen interest to the United States.  The United States is by far Canada’s number one trading partner, accounting for 75.1 percent of Canada’s merchandise goods exports and over half of its goods imports, as noted in the Secretariat’s …

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U.S. Statement: Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

As we continue fisheries subsidies negotiations in the Rules Negotiating Group, discussions have all too often devolved into abstract debates on definitions, fisheries management regimes, and jurisdictional issues. The subsidy notifications called for by our ministers are straightforward and serve as an important reality check on those discussions.

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Procedures to Enhance Transparency and Strengthen Notification Requirements Under WTO Agreements

The proposal circulated for today’s meeting is a culmination of improvements based on the work of all of the co-sponsors, the extremely helpful Member feedback we received during three CTG meetings, as well as countless bilateral and small group meetings. 

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U.S. Statement at WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

Ambassador Shea: “I am pleased to join you today because this negotiation has the potential to be a real game-changer. The fisheries subsidies negotiations represent a potentially pivotal opportunity for the WTO to demonstrate that its negotiating arm remains strong, and that the organization can develop new rules that have a real-world impact not only …

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Ambassador Shea’s Statement On Procedures to Strengthen the Negotiating Function of the WTO

“The United States recognizes the great strides made by several WTO Members since the establishment of the WTO in raising standards of living, increasing real income, and expanding production and trade – goals set out in the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO.”

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U.S. Statement at the WTO Trade Policy Review of Guinea & Mauritania

Statement by Ambassador Dennis Shea, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative and U.S. Permanent Representative to the WTO Geneva, May 29, 2018 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The United States welcomes Secretary General Cisse and Minister Hamdi Ould Mouknass and their respective delegations to this, Guinea’s fourth and Mauritania’s third WTO Trade Policy Review.  We appreciate the Secretariat’s thorough …

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The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Statement by Ambassador Froman on the Release of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Text Washington, D.C. November 5, 2015 For the past five and half years, we have been working to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a high standard agreement which supports more well-paying American jobs, strengthens our middle class, and advances both our interests and our …

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U.S. Provides Additional Assistance for Ukraine

Today, April 14, the United States and Ukraine signed a loan guarantee agreement intended to unlock $1 billion in financing for the Government of Ukraine and bolster its ability to provide critical services as it implements necessary reforms, while protecting vulnerable Ukrainians from the impact of much-needed economic adjustments.

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Russia WTO Accession

President Obama’s Signature Paves Way for Permanent Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Moldova. On August 22, 2012, Russia became the 156th Member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). On December 14, 2012, the President signed legislation – which had been approved overwhelmingly by the U.S. Congress – terminating the application of Jackson-Vanik and extending …

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USTR Kirk in Geneva for WTO MC8

U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk will arrive in Geneva on Thursday, December 15, to participate in the 8th WTO Ministerial Conference. At the ministerial event, Kirk and his fellow ministers will discuss the state of play in the Doha Round of world trade negotiations and consider the terms of accession to the WTO for countries …

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WTO Trade Policy Review of Papua New Guinea

The United States and Papua New Guinea work closely together on many issues of mutual interest, from fostering economic growth and advancing opportunities for women to combating climate change and protecting the environment. We are committed to deepening our partnership with Papua New Guinea both bilaterally and through our involvement in regional institutions including the …

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WTO Trade Policy Review of Sri Lanka

With the end of a long and bitter civil war, Sri Lanka is confronted with the opportunity to boost economic development and provide increased economic opportunities for citizens across the island. The end of this conflict opens new hope and opportunity for prosperity to regain its foothold in your nation and for your country to …

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WTO Trade Policy Review of Belize

Belize is a valued hemispheric partner of the United States. The United States is Belize’s largest trading partner, a major source of investment funds, and its largest provider of economic and military assistance. Approximately 5,000 American citizens live in Belize, almost a million visit annually, and the United States is home to the largest Belizean …

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WTO Trade Policy Review of Benin, Burkina Faso, and Mali

The United States notes the progress that the governments of Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali have made towards a market-based economy. We particularly appreciate these efforts under the constraints of their limited financial resources. We note each government’s continued efforts to reduce macroeconomic imbalances and liberalize their economies …

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Negotiating Group On Rules

The United States is committed to achieving a balanced and ambitious agreement in all areas of this negotiation. We have been engaged in a constructive dialogue on Antidumping, Fisheries Subsidies, Horizontal Subsidies, and Regional Trade Agreements for several years. Overall, the process seems to be working and we believe progress is being made.

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