Terms of Reference

National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Coordination Office


This document defines the organization, responsibilities and functions of the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Coordination Office established to carry out the mission, objectives, and goals of the National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee in accordance with the U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy.


The Coordination Office will be led by a full-time Director who functionally reports to the Executive Committee Co-chairs, and shall perform designated responsibilities and functions on space-based PNT matters on behalf of the Executive Committee. The Director will be a career or non-career member of the Senior Executive Service (SES) or a Flag Officer appointed by the Executive Committee Co-chairs from nominations received from the Executive Committee member Departments and Agencies. The length of the assignment of the Director is at least two years, subject to annual review by the Executive Committee.

The Coordination Office Director will determine staffing requirements and shall recommend to the Executive Committee full-time staff from Department and Agency nominations. The Director may also request additional full-time or temporary staff on an as needed basis from the Executive Committee member Departments and Agencies, and establish permanent and ad hoc issue working groups. Participation in these working groups will be drawn from the Executive Committee member Departments and Agencies and other Departments and Agencies as appropriate.

The resources and facilities for the Coordination Office will be identified by the Executive Committee and provided by member Departments and Agencies. The facilities for use by the Coordination Office shall have classified electronic access and classified storage.


Pursuant to U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy, the Coordination Office shall collect from Executive Committee member Departments and Agencies the appropriate information necessary to ensure interagency transparency about PNT policies, programs, budgets, and activities that might affect mutual interests or interagency dependencies. The Coordination Office will use this information for operations of the Executive Committee to include interagency coordination, consensus development, and issue resolution for all matters presented to the Executive Committee.

To accomplish the responsibilities of the Executive Committee, the Coordination Office shall:

  • Develop and implement processes and relationships with Executive Committee members to facilitate information sharing, coordination, and issue resolution regarding Department and Agency program plans, requirements, budgets, and policies for operation of U.S. space-based PNT systems and services.
  • Coordinate Department and Agency PNT program plans, requirements, budgets, and policies, and assess the adequacy of funding and schedules to facilitate the timely integration and deconfliction of requirements for space-based PNT capabilities.
  • Evaluate plans to modernize the U.S. space-based PNT infrastructure, including development, deployment, and operation of new and/or improved national security and civil services that exceed, or are at least equivalent to, foreign space-based PNT services.
  • Review Department and Agency proposals on international cooperation that require interagency coordination, such as spectrum management and protection issues, and provide recommendations to the Executive Committee.
  • Conduct or oversee space-based PNT studies, analyses, and projects with a National benefit beyond the scope of a single Department or Agency, to include an assessment of ongoing Department and Agency efforts that may benefit from broader U.S. Government participation.
  • Represent the Executive Committee on space-based PNT matters within the Government, the public sector, and with representatives of foreign governments and international organizations, as appropriate, in carrying out assigned responsibilities and functions.
  • Assess the functions established under the former Interagency Global Positioning System (GPS) Executive Board structure, and make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding final disposition.
  • Assess additional interagency PNT functions and responsibilities against those assigned to the Executive Committee in accordance with the U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy and make recommendations as appropriate.
  • Administer the National Space-Based PNT Advisory Board, a Federal Advisory Committee, in coordination with the host Department.


The Coordination Office shall prepare:

  • Updates on progress made and actions taken by individual Executive Committee member Departments and Agencies in fulfilling responsibilities as delineated in the U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy.
  • An annual budget and program plan for operation of the Executive Committee, Coordination Office, and the Space-Based PNT Advisory Board.
  • The Five-Year National Space-Based PNT Plan, with annual updates, to fit a comprehensive National Space-Based PNT Strategy that addresses national security, homeland security, civil services, infrastructure protection, user equipment and economic efficiencies that optimize U.S. and international use of U.S. space-based PNT systems, including GPS and GPS augmentations.
  • The annual program assessment of the adequacy of Department and Agency budgets and schedules to support the timely delivery of space-based PNT capabilities and services as outlined in the Five-Year National Space-Based PNT Plan.
  • Reports and recommendations for Executive Committee consideration and action.
  • An annual report about U.S. government activities and accomplishments implementing national space-based PNT policy.
  • Agendas for the EXCOM and provide to the ESG co-chairs for approval not later than 30 calendar days prior to meetings. Provide approved meeting agendas and preparatory materials to the interagency working level not later than six calendar days prior to ESG and EXCOM meetings.

Change Procedures/Effective Date

This Terms of Reference shall become effective upon signatures of the undersigned. A review of this document will occur within 2 years and on a 5-year cycle thereafter by a committee approved by the Coordination Office Director. This document may be amended at any time by the mutual written consent of the undersigned or their successors.

/signature of Gordon England/
Department of Defense Co-chair

Date: 1-25-06

/signature of Maria Cino/
Department of Transportation Co-chair

Date: 1-25-06

National Executive Committee
