Celebrating 56 FDA Approvals, Licensures, and Clearances for Medical Countermeasures. Supported by BARDA under Novel Public Private Partnerships.
Saving Lives, Protecting Americans.


The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides an integrated, systematic approach to the development of the necessary vaccines, drugs, therapies, and diagnostic tools for public health medical emergencies such as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) accidents, incidents and attacks, pandemic influenza, and emerging infectious diseases.

Together with our industry partners, BARDA promotes the advanced development of medical countermeasures to protect Americans and respond to 21st century health security threats.

picture of lab work

The mission of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is to develop medical countermeasures that address the public health and medical consequences of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) accidents, incidents and attacks, pandemic influenza, and emerging infectious diseases.

We accomplish this critical mission through five key activities
Core Services

BARDA supports a number of core services to assist the development and production of required products, in a manner that is timely, reliable and cost effective.


BARDA's countermeasure development divisions, our Division of Research, Innovation & Ventures (DRIVe), and the TechWatch program help bring innovation to our programs. These programs identify and support the advancement of technologies that enhance capabilities for the development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures focusing on biodefense, pandemic influenza and other emerging infectious diseases.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN)

The Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) established BARDA as the focal point within HHS for the advanced development of and acquisition of medical countermeasures to protect the American civilian population against CBRN and naturally occurring public health threats.


Advanced Development

Congress seeks to improve our Nation's emergency preparedness with Project BioShield, which provides the government with the ability to further develop, acquire, stockpile, and make available the medical countermeasures needed to protect the U.S. population against a public health threat.


Influenza & Emerging Infectious Diseases (IEID)

BARDA uses a comprehensive portfolio approach to develop and acquire a broad array of medical countermeasures for pandemic influenza, including vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and non-pharmaceutical countermeasures and to build and sustain their domestic manufacturing infrastructure.

BARDA supports a number of core services to assist the development and production of required products, in a manner that is timely, reliable and cost effective.

BARDA's countermeasure development divisions, our Division of Research, Innovation & Ventures (DRIVe), and the TechWatch program help bring innovation to our programs. These programs identify and support the advancement of technologies that enhance capabilities for the development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures focusing on biodefense, pandemic influenza and other emerging infectious diseases.

The Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) established BARDA as the focal point within HHS for the advanced development of and acquisition of medical countermeasures to protect the American civilian population against CBRN and naturally occurring public health threats.


Congress seeks to improve our Nation's emergency preparedness with Project BioShield, which provides the government with the ability to further develop, acquire, stockpile, and make available the medical countermeasures needed to protect the U.S. population against a public health threat.


BARDA uses a comprehensive portfolio approach to develop and acquire a broad array of medical countermeasures for pandemic influenza, including vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and non-pharmaceutical countermeasures and to build and sustain their domestic manufacturing infrastructure.

BARDA Ventures will work with the venture capital community to invest in promising products and technologies, driving them to the marketplace to transform and enhance national health security.

BARDA Ventures will work with the venture capital community to invest in promising products and technologies, driving them to the marketplace to transform and enhance national health security.

BARDA Ventures is an initiative to redefine how the U.S. Government partners with private sector to advance health security. BARDA Ventures, through a nonprofit partner, will establish a long term health security focused fund to ensure sustained investments in disruptive technologies can better prepare the nation for any health security threat. Through this new program BARDA seeks to build a capability to better utilize venture capital practices to stimulate innovation and promote disruptive technologies aimed at addressing gaps in pandemic response and healthcare preparedness.

Is your organization interested in becoming the Managing Entity under BARDA Ventures?   Learn how to apply today 


If you are interested in partnering with the federal government on a COVID-19 medical countermeasure, submit your ideas to a platform that reaches a host of potential federal partners.


To spur innovation, BARDA has issued its business-friendly, streamlined Easy Broad Agency Announcement (EZ-BAA) to support a number of new medical countermeasures to fight the COVID-19 outbreak.


BARDA is investing in an array of medical countermeasures to diagnose, treat, or protect against the 2019 novel coronavirus under the BARDA Broad Agency Announcement (BAA-18-100-SOL-00003).

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