Manufacturing Sector

The manufacturing sector is quite broad, including automotive, textile, electronics, and pharmaceutical companies. These organizations typically use power-driven machines or materials-handling equipment that rely on a network infrastructure. As these machines become more connected via the internet, new opportunities for cyber-attacks arise. Cybersecurity experts at the NCCoE are working with manufacturing sector stakeholders and technology vendors to develop practical example solutions to some of the sector’s most pressing cybersecurity challenges.

To stay up to date on our work in the manufacturing sector, sign up for our manufacturing email alerts.

Protecting Information and System Integrity in Industrial Control System Environments

Protecting industrial control systems by leveraging capabilities such as behavioral anomaly detection and security incident and event monitoring . Find out more about this project.

Securing Manufacturing Industrial Control Systems: Behavioral Anomaly Detection

Implementing behavioral anomaly detection to help secure manufacturing industrial control systems. Find out more about this project.