Fall 2019 Federal Depository Library Conference

Fall 2019 Federal Depository Library Conference

Event held: October 21-23, 2019

2019 Federal Deposiotry Library Conference Event page

Monday, October 21, 2019

2019 Federal Depository Library Conference Kickoff


  • Laurie Beyer Hall, Superintendent of Documents & Managing Director of LSCM, GPO
  • Mary Clark, DLC Chair, Library of Virginia
  • Anthony D. Smith, Chief of Projects & Systems, LSCM, GPO
  • Fang Gao, Chief of Library Technical Services, LSCM, GPO

During this opening session, the event is officially called to order, and opening remarks and updates are delivered.

Duration: 70 minutes

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Keynote Presentation: Ensuring Enduring Digital Access: Principles and Approaches to Digital Preservation


  • Dr. Trevor Owens, Head of Digital Content Management for Library Services, Library of Congress

The increasingly digital records of our communities and our organizations require all of us to become digital stewardship and digital preservation practitioners. The challenge seems daunting but the good news is we don’t have to do it alone. A distributed network of practitioners and learners across the globe are increasingly finding ways to learn together and share and pool their resources to tackle these challenges and provide enduring access to our digital heritage. This talk will provide an overview of key principles for practicing digital stewardship and an orientation to how to connect with and engage with the international community of practice developing and refining the craft of digital stewardship and digital preservation.

Library of the Year Award Presentation


  • Laurie Beyer Hall, Superintendent of Documents & Managing Director of LSCM, GPO
  • Robin Miller, Assessment & Instruction Librarian, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, McIntyre Library

Presentation of the 2019 Federal Depository Library of the Year award to the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire’s McIntyre Library

Duration: 54 minutes

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Do Tweets Document the Constitutional Duties of the President? Social Media and the Presidential Records Act


  • Will Stringfellow, Federal Depository Coordinator, Vanderbilt University Central Library
  • Hannah Bergman, Information Policy Counsel, National Archives and Records Administration

This program looks at the role of the Office of the Federal Register and the National Archives in preserving Presidential social media.

Duration: 60 minutes

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Court case referred to in program: Knight First Amendment Institute, et al v. Donald J. Trump

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New govinfo Enhancements & Content


  • Megan Minta, Collection Development Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Amanda Dunn; Program Planner; Programs, Strategy, and Technology (PST), GPO
  • Jon Quandt, Lead Program Planner, PST, GPO

This session highlights new content added and new features and enhancements to GPO’s govinfo (www.govinfo.gov) over the last year. This includes updates to developer tools including the govinfo API, new links to related documents, and recently added digitized publications.

Duration: 48 minutes

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The Federal Advisory Committee Act, GPO, and the Depository Library Council


  • Cynthia Etkin, Senior Program Planning Specialist (Librarian), Office of the Superintendent of Documents, GPO
  • Stephen Parks, State Librarian, Mississippi Law Library
  • Mary Clark, DLC Chair, The Library of Virginia

The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) of 1972 provides guidance for the conduct of Federal Government agency advisory groups, such as the Depository Library Council. GPO and Council have been working to bring our practices in line with FACA to support transparency and accountability. This program explores ways that Council and GPO are fine-tuning our practices to align with the law.

Duration: 44 minutes

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Depositories in the Digital Era


  • Laurie Hall, Superintendent of Documents & Managing Director of LSCM, GPO
  • Ashley Dahlen, Senior Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO

GPO is often asked, “Why be a depository library when everything is online?” Let’s discuss the importance of being in the FDLP and the critical role libraries of all types play in continuing GPO’s mission to “Keep America Informed.” We also talk about what digital depositories do and how that differs from the more traditional print-oriented depositories.

Duration: 55 minutes

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Becoming a Digital Content Contributor


  • Carmen Tinker, Government Documents Librarian, Washington State Library
  • Jessica Tieman, Digital Preservation Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • David Walls, Preservation Librarian, LSCM, GPO

Join GPO and staff from the Washington State Library to learn how easy it is to contribute digital content to govinfo. This session gives an overview of the process to become a contributor and how to package content for govinfo. Finally, the Washington State Library shares why you don’t need a large digitization operation to contribute.

Duration: 40 minutes

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Help! I'm Accidentally in Charge of Moving a Government Documents Collection


  • Amelia Raines, Federal Documents Librarian, Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, State of Arizona Research Library
  • Susan Leach-Murray, State Publications Librarian, Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, State of Arizona Research Library

What do you do when you’re suddenly faced with moving a regional FDLP library on a deadline? How do you maintain public access to your collection and provide good customer service during a relocation? When working with limited resources, how do you prioritize? Hear from two librarians from the State of Arizona Research Library about the strategies we used to manage the move of Arizona State and Federal Government Documents collections. The discussion will include answers to these questions and more: we’ll cover different approaches to moving our two collections, moving struggles and challenges, the good things about moving, and hindsight into what we would have done differently.

Please note the audio picks up at the 5 minute mark.

Duration: 53 minutes

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Projects and Systems: Who Are We? What Do We Do? Where Are We Going?


  • Anthony D. Smith, Chief of Projects & Systems, LSCM, GPO

Projects and Systems is a team within LSCM at GPO. Its mission is to develop and provide technology, archival, and project management services to support LSCM strategic objectives. In this session, you’ll get the details on some of the major initiatives currently underway by the team and have an opportunity to ask questions.

Duration: 62 minutes

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Gov Docs are Special Too! Primary Source Instruction using Government Information Collections


  • Jennifer Kirk, Government Information Librarian, Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
  • Megan Graewingholt; Social Sciences & Government Documents Librarian; California State University, Fullerton; Pollak Library
  • Sarah Dobransky, Government Documents Supervisor, Cleveland Public Library

From one-shot collaborations with Special Collections colleagues to embedded research visits, there are many ways to use Government documents in library instruction. This panel will feature case studies of library instruction sessions that highlight Government documents as primary sources. Presenters will share example lesson plans, activities, and/or handouts utilized in instruction. Depending on the size and history of a FDLP Government documents collection, libraries may have an abundance of primary sources that can supplement Special Collections manuscript or map collections. Integrating Government documents into Special Collections instruction allows librarians to highlight historic materials that are relevant to their users. Through collaborations with Special Collections colleagues, these instruction sessions raise the profile of historic Government documents and put them in the hands of users.

This discussion may be useful to other FDLP Coordinators who wish to learn more about using Government documents in primary source instruction, integrating Government documents into general library instruction, and/or wish to share their own experiences with colleagues. The panel will allow time for Q&A or group discussion, depending on the number of attendees.

Duration: 62 minutes

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Preservation Stewards: Managing Your Collections


  • Brent Abercrombie, Federal Documents Coordinator, Indiana State Library
  • Dominique Hallett, Government Information & STEM Librarian, Arkansas State University
  • Karen Pfiffner, Government Information Coordinator, Colorado School of Mines
  • Suzanne Ebanues, Supervisory Management Analyst, LSCM, GPO

Join several Preservation Stewards and GPO for a discussion on how libraries are managing their Preservation Steward collections. GPO also provides updates on the program and plans for assessments as several Preservation Stewards approach their three-year anniversaries in 2019 and 2020.

Duration: 56 minutes

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Weeding Print & Digital Resources


  • Ashley Dahlen, Senior Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Melissa Fairfield, Planning Specialist, LSCM, GPO

GPO is getting many questions about weeding FDLP collections, both for print material and online or digital resources. This program addresses the weeding process for print resources, as well as some ideas for weeding digital formats. We also discuss FDLP eXchange, a tool to help individual library weeding projects contribute to the future collection needs of the FDLP network.

Duration: 62 minutes

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The 5Ws + H and the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information


  • Laurie Beyer Hall, Superintendent of Documents & Managing Director of LSCM, GPO
  • Cindy Etkin, Senior Program Planning Specialist (Librarian), Office of the Superintendent of Documents, GPO

The National Collection is a vital information asset for the American people. LSCM has been talking about it in generalities for a couple of years now. But what do you really know about it? The 5Ws + H is a formula most often used by journalists and researchers to ensure they are getting the complete account of an area of interest. Join us in this session to learn the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the National Collection - and you’ll have the complete story.

Duration: 61 minutes

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Fun Fact: You Can Use govinfo.gov and Congress.gov to Do Legislative Histories on the Cheap


  • Christopher Brown, Reference Librarian / Government Information Librarian, University of Denver, University Libraries

Both govinfo.gov and Congress.gov contain most of the resources necessary to do sophisticated legislative history research. Not everyone is able to subscribe to more expensive resources like ProQuest Legislative Insight, and this session shows how to put the pieces together on your own. The two main sites are augmented with several other free sites to complete the picture.

Duration: 51 minutes

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Communicating FDLP Value: Purpose, Perception, & Persistence


  • Kelly Seifert, Strategic Communications Coordinator, LSCM, GPO
  • Lara Flint, Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO

This interactive and (hopefully) entertaining session provides justification, inspiration, and strategies for communicating FDLP value in your library and in your community. Identifying patron needs and developing tactics for your library are discussed.

Duration: 60 minutes

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The 2017 Economic Census: A Preview of Key Data Product Changes


  • Kimberly P. Moore; Chief, Economy-Wide Statistics Division; U.S. Census Bureau

The session will provide information on the most comprehensive and detailed business program at the Census Bureau, the Economic Census. This is a key source of data that depository librarians can use with their business clients. The session includes a discussion of the data released on 9/19, the First Look report, and data releases starting in January 2020. Information on the key changes users will see in the 2017 Economic Census from the 2012 Economic Census is provided. These include NAICS, geography, and other data product changes. Finally, the session includes information on the new data.census.gov platform where the 2017 Economic Census will be disseminated.

Duration: 56 minutes

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National Collection Pilots: Planning, Progressing, and Implementing


  • Cindy Etkin, Senior Program Planning Specialist (Librarian), Office of the Superintendent of Documents, GPO
  • David Walls, Preservation Librarian, LSCM, GPO

Join us for this session to hear about the National Collection Pilot Programs (formerly known as the Preservation Services Pilots). What we learned from the Pilot Development Libraries, the next steps we will be taking, and how you and your depository may participate are covered in this program.

Duration: 48 minutes

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Fan the FDLP Flames: Innovative & Inventive Promotional Ideas


  • Kelly Seifert, Strategic Communications Coordinator, LSCM, GPO

Have you been racking your brain to come up with fresh ways to generate awareness of your Federal depository library in your community and beyond? Join GPO to hear about some fun, easy, and effective ways to inform your patrons about the treasures of the FDLP.

Duration: 42 minutes

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2020 Census: How Libraries Can Raise Awareness


  • Gavin Baker, Assistant Director of Government Relations, American Library Association
  • Kirstin Krumsee, Library Consultant, State Library of Ohio
  • Burton Reist, Assistant Director for Communications, U.S. Census Bureau

You can make tomorrow's Government information more accurate today! The 2020 Census will begin in March, and the resulting data will be used by researchers for years to come. In addition, more than $800 billion in Federal funds will be allocated to local communities based on the Census results every year for the next decade. However, if the Census misses people, then their communities will lose out. Learn what libraries are doing to help achieve an accurate and inclusive count in the 2020 Census – and how you can get involved!

Duration: 69 minutes

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Regional Depositories Meeting

An open discussion of issues related to regionals. All are welcome to attend!

Duration: 75 minutes

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cybersecurity and Your Personal Information: Balancing Your Right to Information Access with Your Need for Privacy


  • James Burd, Acting Director of Privacy (Privacy Officer), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security

Those of us who work with Government information in libraries are fully committed to open and transparent access to the information our users need to be fully functioning citizens. At the same time, we are aware of the need to protect the personal information of our users from any unwanted and unauthorized use. This program addresses how our Government works to protect our personal data while providing access to information we need as citizens. Questions answered in this program include: How do I know the Government will keep my personal data private when I access Government websites such as Social Security or when I file my income taxes? Also, how do I know that my personal data and the data from sites I search are secure from hacking by individuals, organizations, or misuse of any type?

Duration: 63 minutes

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The Documents Expediting Project, 1946-2004


  • Gwen Sinclair, Librarian, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library

The Documents Expediting Project (DocEx), an acquisition and distribution service for Federal documents that operated out of the Library of Congress (LC) from 1946 to 2004, was an important source of non-depository items, second copies, and fugitive documents. In addition to distributing documents to subscribing libraries and other organizations, DocEx supplied documents to the Superintendent of Documents for inclusion in the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications (MoCat). The presenter outlines the history of DocEx, displays examples of documents it distributed to libraries, and explains the significance of the program.

Duration: 42 minutes

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Blurring the Government Documents Lines: How One Research Project Changed Perceptions and Promoted Collections


  • Hayley Johnson; Head, Government Documents & Microforms; Louisiana State University; Middleton Library
  • Sarah Simms, Undergraduate and Student Success Librarian, Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries

Individuals typically associate Government documents with those items that libraries receive through the FDLP. Government documents, however, are so much more than those item numbers. Join us as we discuss how an intensive historical research project became a unique opportunity to promote and discuss Government documents to a variety of audiences. Additionally, the presentation highlights how the project has helped to slowly change the perception of academic librarians and what their roles can and should be.

Duration: 47 minutes

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Fun with FOIA and the Zen of Waiting


  • Susanne Caro, North Dakota State University, Main Library

FOIA requests are used by researchers and members of the public to access otherwise inaccessible Government content. Learn how to determine where materials are kept, how to make a request, when fees might be waived, and the Zen of waiting.

Duration: 48 minutes

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DLC Wrap-Up & Closing


  • The members of the Depository Library Council

Join the DLC for a review and discussion of conference takeaways and DLC action items.

Duration: 21 minutes

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