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44 Reviews
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Tony Seput
· February 12, 2017
Organized or semi-organized crime has a long history in the United States. Organized gangs of counterfeiters or thieves could be found in colonial America, and ...there have always been criminal organizations among unscrupulous businessmen. But in popular culture “gangsters” are closely associated with immigrant groups.
New immigrants to the United States have often found themselves on the outside--ostracized to some extent by natives, working in low wage jobs, isolated from the culture they grew up in. They often found themselves excluded from police protection, from access to credit, and from conventional business opportunities. In the 1830s, urban immigrants began organizing themselves into gangs. These gangs sometimes provided services, like loans or jobs protection from crime that immigrant neighborhoods could not otherwise get. They also sometimes exploited those same people—intimidating honest citizens, promoting vice, and controlling the political process. As mentioned in class, before the Civil War volunteer fire companies straddled the line between “gangs” and public service.
By the early twentieth century, “gangsters” were mostly Irish, Jewish or Italian Americans in northern industrial cities. They were well known for their flamboyant style and their contempt for convention. The passage of prohibition in 1919 increased the public visibility of gangsters, as organized crime rushed to fill the void left when alcohol consumption became illegal. By then, movies, fiction, and the especially the popular press had seized on “gangsters” as sensational, popular figures. Many gangsters came to enjoy and exploit this notoriety. The Library of Congress has put the photo archives of the Chicago Daily News online. This assignment asks you to explore the Library of Congress collections around the term “gangster.
While Gangster for most part of Country has was reduced, in some area of Country they have gone underground, meaning they have escape the Visibility from Public but not necessarily has being liquidated. At present that is well known in the State of New Jersey
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Paul Raymond Ross
· October 11, 2016
A lawsuit for 10 million dollars has been filed in federal court Broome County, Binghamton, NY. The defendants named are as follows: Federal court judge Thomas... McAvoy, U.S. Attorney Craig Benedict, Federal Probation officer Mathew Brown, Federal Public Defender James Greenwald, Dorcas Brandon Greene NY, F.B.I. agents John Bokol and Robert Lyons, a F.B.I. agent from Scranton Pa., a business located near Scranton Pa. a business owner from Scranton Pa.
The plaintiff has filed this lawsuit with the assistance of the A.C.L.U. The plaintiff has asked the court for a "no contact order" against the judge, the u.s. attorney and the F.B.I. agents named in the lawsuit. There have been veiled threats against the plaintiff for filing this lawsuit.
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Eileen Wyant
· July 9, 2016
This is what i did to help myself and to help others. Self-help book to get well. This book us design for people who desire, need and want to be at peace within... themselves and to find happiness and love that they so are searching for. They don't know why they don't have it. This is a reason why so many go bad cause of their past. Finding the beginning of abuse will be the beginning of a better today abd tomorrow. See More
Tara Wills-chaney
· November 25, 2016
Dear Sir, Lt. Hatley and Chief McElvain,..Vancouver Washington Police Department..
I'm contacting you to find out and get a response about my complaint that I f...iled on police officer Sandra Aldridge for... false arrest, stalking, threats on my life, false reports, false statements without evidence recorded into record on internal affairs investigation, sexual misconduct by having a sexual affair with Randi Wills Chaney also know as Randi Navarro. All information with evidence was written in complaint which I have yet to get a response in writing about. What is going to be done about this criminal activity, if anything, that your Vancouver police officer has done, and still doing to me? Let's be honest, we both know its true and there is plenty of evidence from your own police records, Randi's internal affairs file, and the evidence that I have submitted, and plenty more evidence too. Also I wonder what holds this officer above the law , allowed to continue in criminal activity, without any punishment nor being held accountable or investigated thoroughly by your department, and prosecuted and/or fired like you do other officers such as ''LEONARD GABRIEL'':

A Vancouver police officer was fired for lying in District Court and to his superiors about an affair he had had with a woman who he met on a civilian ride-along, according to internal affairs documents obtained by The Columbian.
Leonard Gabriel, a 12-year veteran of the Vancouver Police Department, was fired last week after an internal affairs investigation resulted in sustained findings of providing false information, using marijuana, furnishing marijuana to a resident and for unbecoming conduct.
Gabriel argues that the investigation was merit-less and that he has been wrongfully terminated. His union is appealing the termination.
The decision to terminate Gabriel’s employment came nearly two years after allegations of misconduct were first brought against him.
On July 22, 2014, Sgt. Keith Hyde reported that he received information from a complainant that Gabriel was participating in criminal activity including voyeurism, extortion and possession of controlled substance with intent to deliver, according to a termination notice written by police Chief James McElvain.
The agency then launched a criminal investigation, in which the FBI was consulted, and a case was submitted to the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for review. Prosecutors declined to file any charges.
An internal affairs investigation, however, determined that Gabriel had violated four agency policies. McElvain wrote in the notice that Gabriel’s untruthfulness was the misconduct that resulted in the termination.
“It is an essential job function of a police officer to be able to provide facts and details of their actions, and to be able to testify truthfully and accurately,” McElvain wrote in the termination letter. “Irreparable damage is done to the public trust when a single law enforcement officer is engaged in dishonesty.”
Gabriel met the woman during a ride-along, a program that allows members of the public to accompany patrol officers, in June 2013, and the two began a sexual relationship afterward, according to internal affairs investigative materials.
When questioned by his superiors about the incident, Gabriel denied the allegations. Gabriel’s wife at the time also worked as a police officer with the Vancouver Police Department. They have since divorced.
In July 2014, the woman filed for a harassment protection order, stating that she had dated Gabriel for about 10 months before finding out that he was married and ended the relationship, according to court documents. She then claimed that Gabriel threatened to make public compromising photos of her and stated she felt intimidated because of Gabriel’s position of authority, according to the court document.
“I am afraid that he is so knowledgeable with the system that he could maneuver his way out of this,” the woman wrote in the protection order.
In response to the petition, Gabriel signed a declaration filed in Clark County District Court that stated he never had a relationship with the woman. The document states the declaration is true and correct under penalty of perjury.
When interviewed for the internal affairs investigation, Gabriel admitted that he did have a sexual relationship with the woman and lied about it to try to save his marriage, according to the investigative material.
The investigation concluded in March 2015, though McElvain did not terminate Gabriel until last week.
McElvain said that the time lag stemmed from additional investigation that he requested, multiple reviews by both himself and Gabriel, and allegations that Gabriel made against McElvain and Assistant Chief Mike Lester in the process. McElvain said he couldn’t remember the nature of the latter allegations, but said an outside law firm that was hired to investigate determined that there were no sustained findings.
“Ultimately, I was going to be the decision-maker. That had to be completed first,” McElvain said.
While Gabriel was on administrative leave between July 28, 2014, and April 22, he earned $118,929.
Other allegations
Three other allegations of misconduct against Gabriel resulted in sustained findings through the internal affairs process, though McElvain wrote that those actions warranted discipline that included suspension and a letter of reprimand.
The investigation concluded that Gabriel acted in a manner unbecoming of an officer by taking compromising photos of the woman with whom he was having an affair while he was on duty and in uniform, according to the termination letter.
Investigators also found that Gabriel ingested marijuana oil and that he had furnished marijuana to three people, which they said violates the oath of office. Vancouver police officers are obligated to abide by state and federal laws, McElvain wrote in the termination letter.
The termination document indicates that Gabriel refused to sign the letter acknowledging its receipt.
In a statement to The Columbian, Gabriel said that the investigation of him was a merit-less and poorly conducted. He also claims that he is the victim of an inappropriate termination.
“Repeated attempts have been made to point out the Vancouver Police Department actions have been based on biased and discredited information, incomplete investigation documents and prejudiced decision making,” Gabriel said in the statement.
McElvain said that Gabriel’s claims are why there is a third party involved; the city manager’s office is reviewing the chief’s findings.
“They determine whether I got that right or not,” McElvain said. “This wasn’t something that we made up, this isn’t something that we went and looked for. This came to us. The investigation took a direction that the investigation took by hunting down all the people that had something to say about the case.”
Vancouver Police Officer’s Guild Vice President Neil Martin said the termination is being appealed..........>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So you see my concern about officer Sandra Aldridge who is doing similar behavior, and has a history of far more serious criminal activity. The complaint I filed needs to be addressed lawfully and with honesty... I'm writing to give your office the opportunity to handle the situation and do the lawfully right thing before I take the legal situation to the highest in authority in the United States over all law enforcement agencies. Thank You. I hope for your response in this matter....
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Stacey Harris
· January 9, 2016
South Carolina Probate Judges are currently court ordering their involuntary servitudes to unwilling human stem cell research experiments for a local drug plant... called Roche Carolina.
We got a problem with slavery again in the Mason Dixon.
We would rather pick Carolina Cotton then be used as an FDA stem cell piggie for Roche Carolina.
Did y'all know that the frat boys of Charlestons Historical Plantation of cotton picking Negros turned the Plantation into a mentalhealth Plantation. It was just for private rich drug addicts but now it's turned into a billion dollar stem cell pharma slave ring. These clinical TRIALS happen in razor wire SCDMH facilities like the one in North Charleston. On the gate the CAROLINA police take you thru, there is a sign which reads Ombudsman Campus. I know for a 100% fact this is not what our First Lady had in mind for our Mason Dixon children.
ISIS pharmacutical research and stem cell slavery is scary, please Masta Mason Dixon let us autistic Negros go back to picking yer Carolina Cotton.
Anonymous Medic
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Brett Rostochil
· July 5, 2016
"A government which does not act in accordance with the law forfeits the right to be called a government and cannot expect its people to obey the law." Sir Robe...rt Grainger Ker Thompson.
People don't intentionally run red lights and kill other people, so does the FBI's ruling on Hillary is a true sign of some serious corruption. look at the timing of events. Bill meets with AG last week, FBI meets with Hillary, with no attorney present, meets at her house for 3 hours, Obama flies on Air Force One to campaign for her on Monday. FBI did say she was 7 chains were classified top secret. HE SAID SHE WAS "EXTREMELY CARELESS" I believe this is as bad as the OJ trial... IF elected, should could not even pass background checks for security clearance. NOT SOMEONE I WANT AS PRESIDENT! WHY WOULD OBAMA ENDORSE HER!! HE IS CORRUPT AS WELL!
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Shirley Johnson
· June 17, 2014
Alabama - In Your Face Discrimination and Federal Dollars
Has the city of Satsuma, Alabama (Mobile County) been exempted from all federal and constitutional law...s an mandates. I live in Houston Texas, and I am from Satsuma, Al. I was home visiting at the end of May and noticed that a section of Old Highway 43, that runs pass the homes of the African Americans has not been paved. I read on the Mobile County website, that the county had gotten a FEDERAL GRANT to pave ALL of OLD HIGHWAY 43, not parts of [it]. I also know that it is illegal to discriminate in the use and application of federal funds. So, my question and/or concern is, Who is allowing the city of Satsuma to be allowed to paved those sections of OLD HIGHWAY 43 that runs pass the homes of Anglo-Amnericans, and allows this decision maker(s) NOT TO USE THE SAME FEDERAL GRANT DOLLARS to paved that section of OLD HIGHWAY 43 for the same strech road that runs pass the homes of the African Americans on this SAME roadway.? If you live in the area, take Highway 43 to Juniper Ave just pass the railroad, take the first left (North), you will drive onto gravel. This unpaved road runs northwarly until you reach the home of the Phillips (Anglo-AMericans), then you will run onto pavement. This pavement will run until it connect with the other paved section of Old Highway 43. This type of blatant, in-your-face-discrimination should be an affront to all of the citizens in the city of Satsuma and Mobile County, Alabama. See More
John R. Schaefer Jr.
· March 24, 2016
The Office of Justice Programs advocates for the Public Trust in the Legal Profession and Justice System.
Calvin Drake
· May 7, 2015
Cuyahoga County has been excluding themselves from all laws of the state ohio and federal government. stopping all citizens from applying for federal grants as nonprofit corporations. , stealing mail from the post office
denying registered voters to vote on County
Chris Skinner
· May 6, 2016
The evil and corrupt American system sucks. I wish somebody would bomb this country with nuclear missles.
Dariusz RutkowskiRutkowski
· December 11, 2015
`s Loving Kindness and friendlliness, smile and metaphor, tames, " the greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor.......
Zemete Addisu
· February 2, 2016
Under office of Justice programs public prosecutors are stands for the rights of the government and the peoples at large.
Rosemary Lukenbill
· January 15, 2016
why do you keep ignoring the wrongdoing of iowa state government????Iowa Dept. of Human Services ... 1/3/2016 1305 E Walnut St Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0114
RE: your letter dated Dec 28 2015 (copy attached)
As I suspected that you would do, you continue to refuse to give me COMPLETE information requested and further give the runaround to a mentally ill woman. I REQUESTED for a complete record of ALL of my calls to TMS (3/2012-8/2012) and NOT just the ones for which taxi rides were provided or the last call made to them on 8/24/2012 and the calls that they made back to me. There were other calls made to TMS during that time period where reimbursement trips were denied to be scheduled and I want THOSE RECORDS. If you have the records for which taxi rides were provided then you have the records for which scheduling was denied as medicaid number was requested for ALL calls to TMS.
Since TMS "says" that they record ALL incoming calls, you have those records and are withholding them from the light of day and the dept of human services is aiding them.
I want a printed and certified record of all my calls to TMS since they do not show up on residential phone bills and in my opinion this is how they and the state continues to victimize people like me.
I DID NOT ASK FOR A FLASH DRIVE. (as of 1/2/2016 the flash drive has not been received) and I am suspicious , because of the over 4 year ordeal that you have put me through whether the "flash drive" would be safe to plug into my computer at all. I will not compromise my computer.
I have learned from this experience and good reason NOT to trust any of you.
The dept, Mr Weltzin, the director, your employed broker , the ombudsman/attorney general are all guilty of failure to disclose ALL FACTS regarding my (and others) problems with NEMT reimbursement program, ongoing for me since 8/2011.
You are all guilty of failure to disclose facts, failure to repair and correct those problems that for me you have been aware of since 8/2011 and offer the retroactive reimbursement that I deserve. Even the office of consumer affairs has acknowledged the many problems and victims with TMS and the NEMT program ongoing.
You are all guilty of not compensating valid non emergency medical transportation claims for myself since 8/2011 and for others because of TMS refusal to schedule over the phone. The dept failed to force process of claims that were sent and submitted directly to dept (as instructed)and to disclose that information on numerous occassions throughout numerous appeals. You also failed to disclose those documents in "judicial" review.
In the unjust "judicial" review which was a set up as NONE of that information was disclosed and I was not allowed to submit further evidence because the ombudsman/attorney general's office represented the state and I had previously contacted the ombudsman/attorney general's office for help. The blatant conflict of interest was not even taken into account by Judge Greve.
The ombudsman/attorney general, dept,TMS and the various law judges chose to protect the state instead of their job to protect the people.
I 100% stand by all of my appeal filings, my attempt at a legal brief and all documentation that I was allowed to submit to courts. They hold the truth. This has been a heinous miscarriage of justice and violation of a mentally ill disabled woman. My whistleblower(as you have changed the rules during the past over 4 years) ,CIVIL and ADA rights have been violated on numerous occasions and you continue to do so.
I now have to worry about how on my disability income, how I am going to pay the court fees and be further violated and abused. It is blood money in my opinion and an insult to all disabled who fight against wrongdoing by government.
You all are guilty of wrongdoing and contine to be guilty of wrongdoing.
You have caused both continued physical and continued mental harm to me and all the other victims of the nemt program with your lack of truth,advocacy and justice.
This letter will be distributed.
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Shuk-ri Styles
· January 9, 2014
I think that programme is so interest. we like federal berau department for show this programme. thank you.
Danny Silva
· August 13, 2015
I am keeping track of a sex offender, and this is the best place to find out about any body. I use it all the time, GREAT APP, VERY INFORMATIVE. THEY COVER ALL OF USA.
Jonathan Sigman
· November 7, 2015
This town is so currupt need the GENERAL ATTORNEY to watch this bs
Rose Carranza
· September 16, 2014
I think its very inteteresting ,and I find it that everyone should think about learning .
Serena Rene Roth
· August 14, 2014
Love the work you all do
Robert Austera
July 27, 2013
America's Most Missing Persons
Al P. Carrillo
· October 11, 2016
GOD SAID,PRES.DUTERTE D'ONLY PRES.WHO FIGHTS/REVEALED AGAINST DRUGS,CORRUPTIONS,CRIMINALS EVEN BETWEEN LIFE & DEATH.HE IS HONEST/FRANK NO SECRETS OF WHAT R HIS ...PLANS ETC.TELLING PEOPLE EVERYTHING.D' ONLY POOR PRES.ND WORLD DU30@MAT.5:3=BLESSED RD POOR 4 THEY R D' KINGDOM OF GOD.MAT.21:43="Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you (ISRAEL) and given to a people who will produce its fruit (PHILIPPINES).TITUS 1:2=In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;WORLD BE GOD ENDS NEAR.AMEN. See More
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13 hrs

CTAS closes in just over 2 weeks! Please review the fact sheet for more information on the solicitation and for contact information: #Tribal #Grants #Funding #CommunityPolicing

The National Institute of Justice releases “A National Survey Shines Light on Nature and Scope of #TeenDatingViolence,” which examines the results of a NIJ funded study, The National Survey of Teen Relationships and Intimate Violence (STRiV). Learn more:…/pressreleases/…/ojp-news-02082017.pdf

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Don’t Forget! The final FY 2017 #CTAS webinar is TODAY, Feb. 9, at 1 p.m. EST. Register at:…/ev…/registration.html

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HAPPENING TOMORROW! The final FY 2017 #CTAS webinar is tomorrow, Feb. 9, beginning at 1 p.m. EST. If you are applying for a CTAS grant this year, don’t miss this important webinar that will review the CTAS application checklist and provide a Q&A period. Register at:…/ev…/registration.html.

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The United States has one of the highest #incarceration rates in the world: Nearly 1 out of every 100 adults is in prison or jail, and 1 out of every 50 adults on probation or parole.

To address this strain on the #corrections field, NIJ and a team led by the RAND Corporation are collaborating to identify and prioritize the types of #technology that could help improve corrections and serve as a starting point for developing a research agenda to transform corrections.

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Reminder: The final FY 2017 #CTAS webinar is in two days! This final webinar on Feb. 9 at 1 p.m. EST will review the CTAS application checklist and provide a Q&A period. Register at:…/ev…/registration.html.

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Looking at the Impact of Body Worn Cameras

Watch a new video interview with Dr. Craig Uchida who discusses the importance of using research to examine the impac...t of body-worn cameras. He leads an NIJ-supported project with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to evaluate the use of body-worn cameras to determine if they improve relationships with the community.

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Many of our #officers perform brave and selfless acts every day in the line of duty. Watch to #LearnMore about who is eligible for the #LawEnforcement Congressional #BadgeOfBravery and what actions reflect the essence of this prestigious award.

Learn more about past recipients of the #LawEnforcement Congressional #BadgeOfBravery, and make sure you submit your nomination by February 15 to honor #officers for heroic and selfless acts of bravery.

Every day, federal, state, and local law enforcement officers engage in exceptional acts of bravery while in the line of duty. Often, such acts place the officers involved at personal risk of injury or result in their sustaining a physical injury. To honor these acts of bravery, Congress passed the…

Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week is January 30–February 3. Learn how to help victims of this crime with OVC’s Identity Theft Victim Assistance Online Training.

#ICYMI There are only TWO WEEKS left to nominate an #officer for the #LawEnforcement Congressional #BadgeOfBravery. Visit the website to learn more about qualifications and the exceptional and selfless acts performed by previous recipients.

Every day, federal, state, and local law enforcement officers engage in exceptional acts of bravery while in the line of duty. Often, such acts place the officers involved at personal risk of injury or result in their sustaining a physical injury. To honor these acts of bravery, Congress passed the…

Watch this video to learn how Office of Justice Programs Diagnostic Center and Team Gary, Indiana worked together to improve public safety and reduce violent crime:

Learn how the city of Gary, Indiana implemented law enforcement strategies in collaboration with the OJP Diagnostic Center to increase community safety.

OVC’s “Faces of Human Trafficking” Resource Guide includes nine videos, a discussion guide, four fact sheets, and four customizable posters. Learn more about how you can promote and advance the cause of justice for victims of human trafficking. #ActAgainstTrafficking

PSAs and links to educational materials to help raise public awareness about human trafficking.

We recently launched a new company page on LinkedIn. This new page is designed to showcase the best of OJP to the LinkedIn community – from our diverse career opportunities, to our modern, state-of-the art workspace, to the innovative ways our talented employees meet our mission every day in support of the criminal justice, juvenile justice, and victims’ rights communities – and more!

Check it out and follow us:…/office-of-justice-programs-ojp-…

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Did you know that there are 30 states across the nation that are a part of the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI)? JRI is a data-driven approach to reducing #corrections and related #CriminalJustice spending and reinvesting savings in strategies designed to increase public safety.

Read the new report: Reforming Sentencing and Corrections Policy: The Experience of Justice Reinvestment Initiative States - 12/20/2016
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Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

OJJDP’s mentoring work aims to increase opportunities for youth to have mentors and improve the quality and impact of the mentoring they receive. Learn more about OJJDP’s commitment to mentoring: #NationalMentoringMonth