Economic Impact


LLNL economic impact - FY19

Through business and community partnerships, the science and technology at LLNL positively impact the state’s economy.


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), located in Livermore, California, is a research and development facility for science and technology solutions to some of our nation’s greatest challenges. Managed by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, (LLNS), LLNL has an annual budget of $2.3 billion and 7,400 LLNS employees. It is largely funded by the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.

LLNL’s economic impact in California manifests itself directly through its payroll to its employees and through procurements awarded to companies operating within the state. The Laboratory stimulates commercial activity through the transfer of its technologies to licensees ranging from startups to established companies. LLNL also develops research-based public-private partnerships to improve business access to world-class scientific capabilities to help them improve their technologies.

In FiscalYear 2019, LLNL awarded more than $753 million in procurements to businesses, both in California and across the nation, for a broad range of products and services that support the Laboratory’s overall mission. California awards topped $303 million. In addition, the Laboratory workforce’s more than $947 million payroll base directly contributes to the regional economy.















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