Managerial Cost Accounting Resources

Due to increased interest in FASAB cost accounting guidance, staff has assembled selected managerial cost accounting resources on this webpage. Presentation of an item on this page does not alter its standing in the GAAP hierarchy and is not intended as an endorsement of the views expressed by the authors of the resources presented.

If you wish to suggest additional resources, please e-mail FASAB staff.

FASAB Resources

MCA standards and other pronouncements issued by FASAB as well as informational material from two forums on MCA hosted by FASAB

SFFAS 4, Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and Standards (PDF)
The current version of FASAB’s accounting standard on managerial cost accounting—Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) 4, Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and Standards for the Federal Government

SFFAS 4, Glossary of Terms (PDF)
Glossary of cost accounting terms established in SFFAS 4

Interpretation 6, Accounting for Imputed Intra-departmental Costs (PDF)
The current version of FASAB’s interpretation on accounting for imputed intradepartmental costs

Technical Release 8, Clarification of Standards Relating to Inter Entity Costs (PDF)
The current version of a technical release developed by FASAB’s Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee to clarify the standards in SFFAS 4 relating to inter-entity costs

Forum on Managerial Cost Accounting: Requirements, Uses, and Best Practices
Agenda, speaker bios, presentation slides, and video recordings from the first FASAB forum on managerial cost accounting

Forum on Managerial Cost Accounting Part II: Usefulness of MCA Beyond the Widgets
Agenda, speaker bios and presentation slides from the second FASAB forum on managerial cost accounting

Other Federal Resources

Guides and manuals on cost accounting developed by other federal agencies

Managerial Cost Accounting Implementation Guide – February 1998 (PDF)
This February 1998 Managerial Cost Accounting Implementation Guide, which was developed by the Chief Financial Officers’ Council’s Governmentwide Cost Accounting Committee, is a technical practice aid to assist Federal entities in implementing cost accounting

System Requirements for Managerial Cost Accounting – February 1998 (PDF)
This February 1998 System Requirements for Managerial Cost Accounting, which was developed by the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program, presents requirements for software designed to support managerial cost accounting in a Federal agency

GAO Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide (PDF)
This March 2009 guide, which was developed by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), establishes a consistent methodology that is based on best practices and that can be used across the Federal Government for developing, managing, and evaluating capital program cost estimates

Reference Material on Cost Accounting

Reports and other reference material developed by nongovernmental organizations

AGA – Performance Based Management (PDF)
Association of Government Accountants (AGA) Corporate Partner Advisory Group (CPAG) Research Report No. 20, Performance-Based Management, March 2009

AGA Research Report on Managerial Cost Accounting (PDF)
AGA CPAG Research Report No. 22, Managerial Cost Accounting in the Federal Government: Providing Useful Information for Decision Making, September 2009

IFAC – Evaluating and Improving Costing in Organizations (PDF)
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), Professional Accountants in Business Committee International Good Practice Guidance—Evaluating and Improving Costing in Organizations, July 2009

IFAC – Perspectives on Cost Accounting for Governments (PDF)
IFAC Public Sector Committee, Perspectives on Cost Accounting for Government—International Public Sector Study, September 2000

THE GREEN BOOK: Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government (PDF)
Her Majesty’s Treasury, THE GREEN BOOK: Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government, Treasury Guidance

CFO Magazine Article regarding cost performance metrics (PDF)
In Pursuit of a Cutting Edge—Cost performance may be a useful measure for companies that want to trim spending as effectively as possible,, July 15, 2009

Links to organizational Web sites

Links to nongovernmental Web sites that contain information on various cost accounting topics

Government Performance Management
Provides information about the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and Performance Management, including items addressing:

  • the origin, intent, and requirements of GPRA,
  • GPRA’s relationship to other federal management reforms,
  • Performance-Based Budgeting,
  • the President’s Management Agenda,
  • OMB’s Program Assessment Rating Tool
  • Activity-Based Costing/Management, and
  • Congressional oversight.

Performance Reporting for State and Local Governments
Governmental Accounting Standards Board Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting for Governments

The Performance Institute
The Performance Institutes provides a variety of resources and training on performance measurement for government

RCA Institute
Provides information about resource consumption accounting (RCA), a new management accounting approach