Data Submission Agreement

Investigators with NDA data sharing terms in their Notice of Grant Award are expected to submit an NDA Data Submission Agreement (DSA) within 6 months of grant award. The NDA DSA is signed by the Principal Investigator (PI) and their institutional signing official and submit to NDA through the web interface. PIs must submit the signed DSA in order to gain access to their NDA Collection page, a virtual container where data and metadata and submitted and shared.

To complete the DSA, investigators will enter information on data and biosample source repositories as well as repositories where newly-generated data and biosamples will be deposited.   Clinical trials must include the NCT number in the DSA.

Electronic Data Submission Agreement

Please carefully review the Terms and Conditions of the NDA Data Submission Agreement prior to signing the agreement.  We’ve summarized the key Terms and Conditions below.  We do suggest you review the full Agreement before completing the eDSA wizard.

  • You will submit data only from the one named Research Project (NIH grant)
  • This agreement is not transferable
  • Data are consented for broad research use
  • Data collection (including informed consent) is compliant with institutional requirements
  • All data will be deidentified prior to submission
  • Data submitted will be complete and accurate and will include supporting documentation
  • You will create NDA Global Unique Identifiers (GUIDs), or use pseudoGUIDs if justified, as subject identifiers for data submission
  • You will create NDA Studies for all publications with data submitted to NDA
  • NDA can post information about your research on the public website
  • Data submission protocols are consistent with security best practices