About the Project
5 Gamma FunctionApplications

§5.19 Mathematical Applications


§5.19(i) Summation of Rational Functions

As shown in Temme (1996b, §3.4), the results given in §5.7(ii) can be used to sum infinite series of rational functions.


5.19.1 S =k=0ak,
ak =k(3k+2)(2k+1)(k+1).

By decomposition into partial fractions (§1.2(iii))

5.19.2 ak=2k+23-1k+12-1k+1=(1k+1-1k+12)-2(1k+1-1k+23).

Hence from (5.7.6), (5.4.13), and (5.4.19)

5.19.3 S=ψ(12)-2ψ(23)-γ=3ln3-2ln2-13π3.

§5.19(ii) Mellin–Barnes Integrals

Many special functions f(z) can be represented as a Mellin–Barnes integral, that is, an integral of a product of gamma functions, reciprocals of gamma functions, and a power of z, the integration contour being doubly-infinite and eventually parallel to the imaginary axis at both ends. The left-hand side of (5.13.1) is a typical example. By translating the contour parallel to itself and summing the residues of the integrand, asymptotic expansions of f(z) for large |z|, or small |z|, can be obtained complete with an integral representation of the error term. For further information and examples see §2.5 and Paris and Kaminski (2001, Chapters 5, 6, and 8).

§5.19(iii) n-Dimensional Sphere

The volume V and surface area S of the n-dimensional sphere of radius r are given by

5.19.4 V =π12nrnΓ(12n+1),
S =2π12nrn-1Γ(12n)=nrV.