Price Spreads from Farm to Consumer

ERS compares prices paid by consumers for food with prices received by farmers for corresponding commodities. This data set reports these comparisons for a variety of foods sold through retail foodstores such as supermarkets and supercenters.

Comparisons are made for individual foods and groupings of individual foods—market baskets—that represent what a typical U.S. household buys at retail in a year. The retail costs of these baskets are compared with the money received by farmers for a corresponding basket of agricultural commodities.

This data set is regularly updated in the Spring and then again in the Fall, as the underlying data become available. 

ERS data on price spreads for meat, pork, poultry, and eggs can be found in the Meat Price Spreads data product. A different method is used to calculate monthly price spreads for beef, pork, broilers, turkeys, and eggs.

Users may also be interested in an interactive data visualization; see Interactive Chart: Price Spreads and Food Markets.

Data Set Last Updated Next Update
Milk and dairy basket 6/13/2019
Butter, one pound 11/5/2018
Cheddar cheese, one pound 6/13/2019
Ice cream, regular, one-half gallon 6/13/2019
Whole milk, one gallon 6/13/2019
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit basket 12/13/2016
Fresh apples 3/7/2018
Fresh grapefruit 3/7/2018
Fresh grapes 3/7/2018
Fresh lemons 3/7/2018
Fresh oranges 3/7/2018
Fresh peaches 3/7/2018
Fresh pears 3/7/2018
Fresh strawberries 3/7/2018
Fresh vegetables
Fresh vegetables basket 10/18/2017
Fresh broccoli 10/2/2020
Fresh lettuce, iceberg 10/2/2020
Fresh potatoes 10/2/2020
Fresh tomatoes, field grown 10/2/2020
Processed fruit and vegetables
Orange juice, not from concentrate, one gallon 10/18/2017
Orange juice, frozen concentrate, one reconstituted gallon 10/18/2017
Field crops
Flour, white, all purpose, per pound 9/14/2020
Vegetable (soybean) oil, per gallon 11/5/2018
Sugar, white, per pound 9/14/2020
White pan bread, per pound 12/3/2020
Archived Versions
Cheddar cheese, one pound 11/20/2013
Ice cream, regular, one-half gallon 11/20/2013
Whole milk, one gallon 11/20/2013
Butter, one pound 11/14/2012
Margarine, stick, per pound 11/14/2012