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Employee Code of Conduct

Fannie Mae has an employee Code of Conduct, adopted by our Board of Directors, that gives our employees clear guidelines for how to do business the right way. With a number of guiding principles, the Code outlines employees' responsibilities for ethical and lawful conduct. Employees commit to their compliance with the Code each year.

On July 16, 2020, the Fannie Mae Board of Directors approved revisions to the Code of Conduct that are reflected in this version. While the guiding principles remain the same, the Code was amended to add, expand, or update its treatment of a number of topics, including antitrust, external communications, anti-fraud, confidential information, insider trading, conflicts of interest and business courtesies, non-retaliation, and investigations, as well as to enhance the formatting and make other, non-substantive revisions.

Download the Employee Code of Conduct