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  • 2020 Data Breach
    Investigations Report

    Stay ahead of threats with insights from 3,950 confirmed breaches.

    View the DBIR online
  • How strong is your

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    personalized security
    rating and analysis for
    your small or medium

  • Cut to the chase.

  • Keep your team informed of danger or help stakeholders throughout your organization understand the need for improved security. Get the executive-level view of the latest threats.

    Read the summary


of breaches were caused by outsiders.


of breaches were financially motivated.


of breaches were attacks on web applications, more than double the results from last year.


of malware incidents can be attributed to ransomware.

What's threatening your industry?

Effective security relies on deploying defenses where they’re needed most. So what’s most at risk for you? And which kinds of attacks do you need to look out for?

Defend your industry.

  • Accommodations


    Accommodation and food service



  • Arts


    Arts, entertainment and recreation



  • Contruction





  • Education


    Education services



  • Finance


    Financial and insurance



  • Healthcare





  • Information





  • Manufacturing





  • Utilities


    Mining, energy and utilities



  • Store


    Other services



  • Professional icon


    Professional, scientific and technical



  • Public admin


    Public administration



  • Real estate


    Real estate, rental and leasing



  • Retail





  • Transportation


    Transportation and warehousing



  • Explore breach insights
    by data segment in
    this interactive tool.

    Data by the slice


Explore our security report archive.

  • 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report

    With updated charts and the same rigorous investigation of cyberthreats, the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) can help you uplevel your security awareness. 

    Read the 2019 report
  • 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report

    Within the 53,000+ incidents and 2,200-odd breaches, you’ll find real takeaways on what not to do, or at the very least, what to watch for.

    Read the 2018 report
  • 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report

    Understanding the threats you face is the key to effective cybersecurity. The 2017 DBIR revealed the biggest threats in your sector and what you can do to mitigate them.

    Read the 2017 report
  • 2020 Mobile Security Index

    Mobile security insights powered by more than 800 respondents and 11 industry and law enforcement contributors.

    Read the report
  • 2019 Payment Security Report

    Our annual report on payment card security and compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

    Read the report