HYSPLIT Model Examples

The following links provide examples of the types of output products that can be produced with the HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model.

Google Earth (kml/kmz)

  • Trajectories (7.2 KB) – 3 particle trajectories originating at 10, 750 and 1500 meters above ground level and run for a simulation of 12 hours using the NCEP NAM meteorological forecast data.
  • Concentration Display (39.2 KB) – a 15 minute release of 2000 particles originating at 100 meters above ground level and run for a simulation of 1 hour with output averaged over 15 minutes using the NCEP NAM meteorological forecast data. Click on the VCR play button to loop the image.
  • Concentration Display with Threshold Values Defined (31.2 KB) – a 10 minute release of anhydrous ammonia originating at 50 meters above ground level for an arbitraty location and run for a simulation of 3 hours with peak 15 minute averages over 1 hour using the NCEP NAM meteorological forecast data. Click on the VCR play button to loop the image.

And in development

  • Particle Display (160.0 KB) – a 3 hour release of 2000 particles originating at 100 meters above ground level and run for a simulation of 6 hours with snapshot images produced every hour using the NCEP NAM meteorological forecast data. Click on the VCR play button to loop the image. The colors indicate the height ranges of the particles.
HYSPLIT logo. Black letters with the dot on the i as a colored plume.