The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

APS Publications

SARS-CoV-2 Publications from Research at the Advanced Photon Source
SARS-CoV-2 Publications from Research at the Advanced Photon Source
Publications Database

The APS Publications Database is a searchable compendium of information on results from research at the APS.It is the official source for listing APS-related journal articles, conference proceedings and papers, dissertations, books, book chapters, technical reports, abstracts, awards, invited talks, patents, magazine articles, and newsletters in order to produce a comprehensive record about research at the APS.

If you have a question about the publications database, or need assistance with a database related matter, send an email to

If you would like a publication entered into the database, send the citation, the Sector(s)/CAT(s) beamline(s) where the work was done, and whether or not GUP beam time was used, to

Reminder for ANL employees: ANL employees are not authorized to sign copyright transfer agreements or other intellectual property agreements.When you receive a publishing agreement you must send it to the Argonne Library’s publication team in Bldg. 240 or attach it to your PANDA record. Also, per language in the Prime Contract, ANL cannot pay a fee to a publisher for permission to use their copyrighted material. The requestor can contact the publisher to request a waiver of the fee for reuse.

Questions regarding the publication process or copyright transfer agreements should be directed to
Technical Publications

Activity Reports: APS activity reports were written by users as brief descriptions of experiments carried out within a particular year or years.

Argonne/APS Reports

Conference and Workshop Reports: View archives from past conferences

Light Source Notes

Technical Bulletins

Technical Updates: are notices that share beamline technical and operations developments with APS users

