Public Access to IARPA Research

Public Access to Scholarly Publications and Data

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) public access policy outlined in the February 22, 2013 memorandum, "Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research“, directed federal agencies investing in research and development to have a clear plan to increase access to scholarly publications and data resulting from their funded research. IARPA, as part of the ODNI, adheres to the OSTP public access policy and follows the ODNI plan to implement the OSTP public access policy.

In adhering to the ODNI plan to make federally funded scientific research more accessible to the public, IARPA:

  • Is committed to public access to its unclassified scientific research;
  • Supports governance of and best practices for managing scholarly publications and digitally recorded scientific research data;
  • Will ensure effective access to and reliable preservation of IARPA-funded scholarly publications and digitally recorded scientific research data for research, development, and education;
  • Will preserve and increase the use of research results to enhance scientific discovery;
  • Will maximize the impact of Federal research investment;
  • Will comply with National Security Directives to protect sensitive information from unlawful or improper release; and
  • Will comply with all applicable privacy and civil liberties laws, regulations, Executive orders, and policies to protect personally identifiable information from unlawful or improper release.

In 2017, IARPA started including public access requirements in all new IARPA research solicitations. Organizations selected for funding under these new research solicitations are required to submit a copy of the author’s final peer reviewed manuscripts for all journal articles and refereed conference papers resulting from their IARPA funded research to IARPA using the directions below. These publications will be made available to the general public through the Defense Technical Information Center’s (DTIC) PubDefense product ( after publisher embargo requirements have been met.

In support of public access research data, performers are required to develop a data management plan which outlines how they will manage and preserve the research data collected or produced in their IARPA funded work. At a minimum, all research data associated with a peer reviewed manuscript or final published article must be made publically accessible before, on, or at a reasonable time after the publication of the manuscript. Privacy, confidentiality, and security concerns must be protected, and intellectual property rights and commercial interests must be taken into account and protected accordingly.  Detailed requirements on public access to research data are provided in solicitations.

Submittal of peer reviewed publication and associated research data:

  • Researchers should e-mail their final author’s peer reviewed manuscripts to IARPA at
  • The subject of the e-mail should be the title of the manuscript.
  • In the body of the e-mail, please include the following template populated with the requested information:
    • Title of publication (journal article or conference paper)
    • Authors and their affiliation
    • For journal article, provide journal title, volume, issue, page numbers, and publication date (as available)
    • For conference paper, provide conference location, dates (mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy), and proceedings title and page numbers (as available)
    • Digital object identifier, if available
    • IARPA program
    • Contract or grant number
  • For each research dataset associated with the publication, a template providing metadata describing the dataset must be completed and provided as an attachment to the e-mail.