EAC 2020 Clearinghouse Awards: 1. Outstanding innovations in elections; 2. Best practices related to recruiting, training & retaining election workers;  3. Improving accessibility for voters with disabilities;  4. Special 2019 category: Most creative or original ‘I Voted’ stickers and 5. Outstanding innovation in election cybersecurity and technology.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) invites submissions for its fifth annual national Clearinghouse Awards. The Clearinghouse Awards, also referred to as the “Clearies,” honor the enterprising spirit and hard work of election officials across the country. In the challenging circumstances created by the COVID-19 crisis, the Clearies offer the opportunity to commend the resourcefulness of officials adjusting to an ever-evolving pandemic. Under the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), the EAC is charged with serving as a clearinghouse for election administration information. The Clearies and the efforts they celebrate play an important role in helping the EAC fulfill this mission.

The 2020 Clearies will be awarded in five categories:

  • Improving Accessibility for Voters with Disabilities: Initiatives that help further voting access for people with disabilities while upholding the provisions in HAVA and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Outstanding Innovations in Elections: A program that should exhibit tools for creatively improving election administration, while advancing new and innovative concepts.
  • Best Practices in Recruiting, Retaining, and Training Poll Workers: Programs that utilize creative recruitment, training, and retention of election workers during the ever-changing election landscape.
  • Creative and Original "I Voted" Stickers: “I Voted” stickers that exemplify voter education, outreach, and community flair.
    • For more information on the creation of this award, visit the blog here
  • Outstanding Innovation in Election Cybersecurity and Technology: Security-focused initiatives that improve election security of voting systems and strengthen U.S. elections.

Submissions will be judged on

  • Innovation: The submission presents a new and original idea.
  • Sustainability: This program will provide long-term benefits, can be maintained at its current level, and can be expanded as the need arises.
  • Outreach Efforts: The organization successfully raises awareness and involves the community. Public engagement is encouraged through educational presentations, community outreach activities, workshops, social media postings, and other methods.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The program produces positive results while exercising disciplined spending parameters.
  • Replicability: The project can be reproduced by other election officials and will achieve similar results. With modification, the program can be altered to address changing circumstances or the needs of other jurisdictions.
  • Generating Positive Results: The program attains successful outcomes for elections and voters. Program outcomes are quantifiable and measurable.

All submissions for the 2020 Clearies should be sent to the EAC via an email to clearinghouse@eac.gov by end of day Friday, January 8, 2021. Nominators should use the following subject lines based on entry category: Poll Worker Competition, Accessibility Competition, Outstanding Innovations Competition, Sticker Competition, or Cybersecurity Competition.

All entries must include a summary of the election program nominated. Submissions for the sticker competition can just include the image of the sticker and any supporting information needed. Entrants may attach relevant documents, images and links that can be used to assess the entry. Submissions should also include contact information for the person submitting the program for consideration. Each entry must be submitted in a separate email.

For more information about this year’s competition, please contact Patrick Leahy at pleahy@eac.gov.