Credit Union Online


Credit Union Online or CUOnline is a web-based program used by credit unions and state supervisory agencies to submit and certify operational and quarterly financial information to the NCUA. The online program contains two sections: the Credit Union Profile and Call Report.

Credit Union Online users must first download Microsoft Silverlight, a free downloadable program, before accessing Credit Union Online.

Credit Union Profile

The online Credit Union Profile section collects specific operational information that is occasionally amended, such as Disaster Recovery Information, Emergency Contact Information, and Information Systems and Technology.

Each quarter, a credit union must review, update (when necessary), and certify its Profile information. A credit union will not be permitted to submit a Call Report before its Profile is certified.

5300 Call Report

The Call Report section of the system allows users to submit current quarterly financial information. It also allows users to submit corrected call reports for previous reporting cycles. The system design allows users to start a call report, save their information, and return later to complete it. Additional online features include:

  • Warnings in the Profile Help Prevent Errors and Improve Efficiency – Enhanced the warnings to remind users to enter new information or update existing information, such as outdated audit information.
  • Real Time Call Report Calculations and Edits – Calculations and edits now update during data entry.
  • Call Report Historical Warnings – Warnings that compare data between several Call Report cycles update and are available during data entry. This feature will help users catch any inconsistencies or possible errors. Also, you can export errors and warnings to Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF formats.
  • Helpful Tips and Instructions – We included help tips for data entry in each section of the profile. Call Report Forms and instructions are also very easy to access for each cycle within the online system.
  • New User Role – Users can assign employees or directors a view-only role that gives a user the ability to view a specific credit union’s online information without the ability to edit.

Cycle Due Dates

Your Call Report is due no later than 11:59:59 P.M. Eastern as shown below:

Call Report Due Dates
Cycle Date Due Date
June 30, 2020 July 26, 2020
Sept. 30, 2020 Oct. 25, 2020
Dec. 31, 2020 Jan. 31, 2021

Credit Union Online Help

General System Frequently Asked Questions

User's Guide

Call Report and Profile Information

What's New

Online Profile FAQs

5300 Call Report FAQs

Reporting Forms and Documents

Reporting Forms and Documents
Document December 2020 September 2020
5300 Call Report – Form Select Select
5300 Call Report – Instructions Select Select
5300 Call Report – Changes Select Select
5300 Call Report - Account Descriptions Select Select
4501A Profile – Form Select Select
4501A Profile – Instructions Select Select
4501A Profile – Changes Select Select

If you need to revise previously filed call reports and want to view the forms and/or corresponding instructions, please, go to: Call Report Forms and Instructions Archive.

Schema and Account Descriptions for Credit Union Software Vendors

Credit Union Online provides the ability to import Call Report data from external sources. Data that is allowed to be imported must be in XML format and adhere to the XML schema published by the NCUA each cycle. Any attempt to import data that cannot be validated by the published schema will be rejected. Credit Unions and their vendors who that wish to import Call Report data should download the appropriate schema from the list below and construct their XML document accordingly. The NCUA also recommends downloading the Account Descriptions spreadsheet that further describes the accounts being collected for the Call Report.

Schema and Account Descriptions for Credit Union Software Vendors
Files December 2020 September 2020
Account Descriptions Select Select
Sample XML Files Select Select
Schema for Federal Credit Unions Select Select
Schema for Federally Insured State-chartered Credit Unions Select Select
Schema for Non-federally Insured Credit Unions Select Select
Call Report Edits: Errors and Warnings Select Select

Call Report Import File Test Utility

This is used to determine if an external import file conforms to the published Call Report schema. This will enable credit unions and their vendors to submit an import file through the schema validation. Any problems found will be returned in detailed messages, to help speed up the process of building an import file that will be accepted. Please note that this tool will not perform any actual importing of call report data. It is only provided as an aid to credit unions who wish to use the import feature. Access Call Report Import File Test Utility.

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