Meet Our Global Network

From local agencies to international institutions, our partners span sectors and the globe. But they all share our vision — a world where Earth observations are easy to use and accessible when and where they’re needed most.

Our partners make achieving this vision possible. It’s through them that we help people on the ground tackle everyday challenges with Earth science data. Together, we leverage our combined experience, knowledge and tools to develop innovative solutions and enhance decision-making.

We’re proud of the diverse network of experts, officials and advocates that make up the Applied Sciences Program community. Visit some of our partners’ websites below and learn more about their inspiring work.


NASA Global Partnerships

NASA Earth Science Division’s Global Partnerships Program connects commercial and non-governmental organizations across the division's programs of Applied Sciences, Flight, Research & Analysis and the Earth Science Technology Office. These partnerships explore emergent opportunities using cutting-edge technologies to build sustainable solutions to some of the world’s most complex problems.

Together, we work to enable societal benefits by developing a better understanding of Earth as an integrated system and by leveraging the expertise of both NASA and its partners to achieve together what neither could alone.

Learn more about NASA Global Partnerships


Conservation International

The nonprofit environmental organization Conservation International has a mission to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity, such as food, fresh water, livelihoods and a stable climate.

NASA's partnership with Conservation International combines their expertise in biological and economic assessments with NASA’s resources in remote sensing measurements and advanced analysis techniques. Working together, they are able to assess the value of natural resources and model different scenarios, such as the impact of dam construction on fisheries and water allocation.


Google is a worldwide leader in Internet-related technology, services and products, including cloud computing and a vast catalog of satellite imagery and data sets.

Leveraging experience with online data platforms and social media, the Google and NASA partnership focuses on making NASA Earth science data from satellites, airborne missions and other sources more accessible to researchers, large data users and the public.

Mercy Corps

As a non-governmental humanitarian aid organization, Mercy Corps’ mission is to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities.

Merging Mercy Corps’ expertise in economic, social, political and environmental vulnerability, with NASA’s ability to visualize environmental systems of change on a global and local scale results in developing integrated approaches to measuring and monitoring resilience in fragile and crisis-affected locations.


The multinational technology company Microsoft includes cloud-based digital services, research and development networks, and satellite communications capabilities.

Microsoft is combining its extensive network of partners and technology operations with NASA’s expertise in monitoring and modeling climate impacts to human health and the environment in order to enable cloud computing and analysis via the Microsoft Azure platform and Azure Orbital.