Service Status Checker - v2.4.19

Monitor, Alert and Analyze Your Geospatial Services

The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) provides a Service Status Checker (SSC) web service to validate, test and score geospatial web services. It returns a set of summary and test diagnostic information about the tests performed on each service.

The web service performs health tests on geospatial services that provide access to metadata and data.

Types of Services Currently Tested

Available Geospatial Service Monitoring

The following service types are currently supported. You can provide a list of these services to the Status Checker to obtain daily results and monitoring.

  • Data Services
    • WMS
    • ESRI ArcIMS Image
    • WFS
    • WCS
    • SOS
    • ArcGIS Map Server
    • ArcGIS Image Server
    • ArcGIS Feature Server
    • OPeNDAP
  • Metadata Services
    • Z39.50
    • Web Accessible Folder (WAF)
    • CSW