Financial Exploitation

Financial Exploitation

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The Department of Justice is striving to combat financial crimes against older Americans.  Learn about prevalent financial scams so you can guard against them, and get involved in making your community safer.  If you need help, there is a Elder Abuse Resource Roadmap that can guide you to the right agency for your particular situation.

Federal Resource Roadmap

Elder Abuse Resource Roadmap: Financial 

There are many types of financial harm, and it can be difficult to know what to do when this happens to you, or someone you know. 

Answer a few questions and the Resource Roadmap will help you quickly find the right reporting agency.

Resource Roadmap

Or read the Elder Abuse Resource Roadmap: Financial document.

Get Involved

Get Involved 

By recognizing financial exploitation and scams, older Americans may avoid becoming victims.

Preventing Elder Financial Abuse and Exploitation with Tellers
Runtime: 9:39

What the Government is Doing to Fight Back Against Scammers

Get Involved, Get Safe - Stop Financial Abuse
A series of presentations with guides and brochures to be used for community or professional presentations


A financial education program


Pass it On!
Share what you know to help protect someone you know from a scam


Work with sheriffs to make your community safer


Senior Medicare Patrol
Volunteer to show Medicare and Medicaid recipients how to protect against, detect, and report fraud


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