The HAVA Election Security Funds were appropriated in 2018 and 2020.  The two HAVA Election Security Fund appropriations, authorized under Title I Section 101 of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, mark the first new appropriations for HAVA grants since FY2010. This funding provides states with additional resources to secure and improve election systems.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 included $380 million in grants, made available to states to improve the administration of elections for Federal office, including to enhance technology and make certain election security improvements. 

Then the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 authorized an additional $425 million in new Help America Vote Act (HAVA) funds.

Guidance on Managing Funds

Requesting Funds

ES Reports

ES Snapshot

$380 million was appropriated in FY18. As of March 31, 2020, an informal estimate indicates that $136 million ­(approximately 36 percent) has been expended.

$425 million was appropriated in FY20. As of March 31, 2020, an informal estimate indicates less than 1 percent has been expended.

The next official report of expenditures on the election security grant will be due December 29, 2020 for the reporting period ending on September 30, 2020.
State by state snapshot: 2018 Election Security Grant Estimated Expenditure Snapshot 


State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20:
State Narrative - 2018:
State Narrative - 2020:
Request Letter - 2018:
Request Letter - 2020:
Financial Report - FY18:
Financial Report - FY19:
Financial Report - FY20: