Educating poll watchers and explaining statutory and administrative processes can help increase confidence in the integrity of elections. Below are links to resources from all levels of government for both election officials and poll watchers. Also view our FAQ's page. 



EAC: 5 Tips for Educating Poll Watchers

National Association of Secretaries of State: State Laws on Authorized Poll Watchers & Voter Challenges

National Conference of State Legislatures: State Poll Watcher Qualifications 

State Policies on Election Observation



Colorado: Election Rules - Watchers

District of Columbia: Poll Watchers

Hawaii: Poll Watchers Factsheet

Iowa: Poll Watchers Guide

Kansas: A Guide to Poll Agent Rules

Louisiana: Poll Watchers

Maryland: Instructions and Information for Challengers, Watchers, and Other Election Observers

Michigan: The Appointment, Rights and Duties of Election Challengers and Poll Watchers

Montana: Guidance to Election Officials in Regard to Official Poll Watchers and Election Observers

Pennsylvania: Guidance on Rules in Effect at the Polling Place on Election Day

South Dakota: Poll Watcher and Observers Guidelines

Texas: Poll Watcher's Guide



Anchorage, AK: A Guide for Poll Watchers

Arlington County, VA: Guidelines for Candidates and Political Parties Regarding Poll Watchers, Outside Poll Workers, and Placement of Political Signs

Denver, CO: Poll Watchers Information Packet

Duval County, FL: Duval County Supervisor of Elections Poll Watcher Guidelines

Hamilton County, TN: Poll Watcher Guidelines

Hillsborough County, FL: Poll Watcher Guidelines

Los Angeles County, CA: A Guide for Poll Watchers; Election Day Poll Monitor Program

New York City, NY: Poll Watcher's Guide

Orange County, CA: Handbook for Election Observer Guidelines