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76% of trade

Seventy-six percent of all trade involves some form of marine transportation. That figure jumps to 90 percent of international trade.

$1.5 trillion 13 million jobs
Ports thumbnail

Our nation’s ports are the lifelines of our economy. In 2016, foreign trades through U.S. ports were valued at $1.5 trillion, and ports support more than 13 million jobs.

15,000 miles

There are 15,000 miles of waterways, seaports, and other commercially navigable waters in the United States.

One Inch

Volume matters. Larger ships are pushing the limits of navigation channel depths and bridge heights at our nation’s seaports. For example, having an extra inch of water to pass through can allow a ship to load and carry an additional 58,000 pairs of athletic shoes valued at more than $5 million.

Graphic stating that $1.9 trillion worth of imports and 13 million jobs are related to ports in the United States
Graphic is presentation-ready: copy and paste for use in a handout or presentation.

Double Traffic Volume

The volume of traffic for marine ports is expected to double by 2021 and double again shortly after 2030.

Handout: Top Ten Marine Economy