Office of Strategic Planning Publications

The Office of Strategic Planning publishes major documents including the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) mandated Five-Year Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans, and the Postal Comprehensive Statements that draws on the work of the entire organization. Since 2006, the Annual Performance Plans and Reports have been included in the Comprehensive Statement.

Five-Year Strategic Plans
Vision 2013, Plan for 2009 to 2013 ›
Strategic Transformation Plan 2006-2010 ›

Annual Report to Congress and Comprehensive Statement
2012 Annual Report to Congress and Comprehensive Statement PDF
2011 Annual Report to Congress and Comprehensive Statement › | PDF | EPUB | MOBI

Comprehensive Statements/Annual Performance Plans
2010 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations PDF | HTM
2009 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations PDF | HTM
2008 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations PDF | HTM
2007 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations PDF | HTM
Annual Performance Plan ›

To access earlier versions of the Strategic Planning Publications , please visit the archive.