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May Retrospective

In May, a lot of people learned about the actual date of Mexico’s Independence Day, in what turned out to be our most popular post of the month, Cinco de Mayo is Not Mexican Independence Day? We also celebrated with Law Day, Jewish American Heritage MonthAsian/Pacific American Heritage Month, and Eritrean Independence Day this month.

It must be because I’m an alumni of the same school as David Letterman that I enjoy top ten lists.  Here are the top ten for May:

1. Cinco de Mayo is Not Mexican Independence Day?
2. Tattoos and Copyright in The Hangover Part II
3. Chocolate, Candy and the Law
4. The Legality of Time Travel
5. Slavery in the French Colonies: Le Code Noir (the Black Code) of 1685
6. What Do You Call A Gathering of Librarians?
7. An Interview with Mike Newman, Information Technology Specialist
8. The Conspirators of the Lincoln Assassination – Pic of the Week
9. An Interview with Tammie Nelson, Information Technology Specialist
10. Souvenirs from Moscow – Pic of the Week

Both the Slavery in the French Colonies and  Conspirators of the Lincoln Assassination posts made the top ten in the April Retrospective.

Our top commented on posts were:

1. Chocolate, Candy and the Law
2. The Legality of Time Travel
3. What Do You Call A Gathering of Librarians?

On our Facebook page, the most commented post was Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, and the most liked were Tattoos and Copyright in The Hangover Part II and Building our Law Library of Congress Community.

The interviews took a slight turn this month.  Not one of the three are permanent Law Library of Congress staff members.  Tammie and Mike both work with Christine and me as part of the THOMAS team.  They work in Information Technology Service of the Library of Congress.   Marjut was here visiting the Law Library from the Supreme Court of Finland.

In Custodia Legis covered chocolate and the law, tattoos and copyright, and the legality of time travel in May.  What would you like to learn about in June?

Memorial Day, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011, is Memorial Day. As our sister blog, In the Muse, wrote last year, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May. Memorial Day was originally established as Declaration Decoration Day in 1868, three years after the Civil War ended, as a time for the nation to decorate the graves […]

Eritrean Independence Day

Today, Eritrea, Africa’s youngest nation (at least until next month, when South Sudan is expected to declare its formal independence), celebrates its 20th Independence Day. Eritrea, like all of its African brethren, is a colonial creation.  Although Turkey, Egypt, and the local Ethiopian rulers controlled different parts of what later became Eritrea at different times, […]

The Story Behind the New Zealand Budget Process

Yesterday was New Zealand’s Budget Day – the day that the Minister of Finance tables various documents and makes a statement in Parliament relating to the Government’s economic policies and spending proposals for the next fiscal year, which starts on July 1.  While the proposals in the Budget are interesting and have a large impact […]