Workforce Diversity and Inclusion

The NCUA has long been committed to having a more diverse workforce and leadership team. To achieve our diversity and inclusion goals, we focus on specific areas:

  • expanding our understanding of diversity,
  • implementing diversity and inclusion as business imperatives,
  • being intentionally inclusive, and
  • mitigating unconscious bias.

Read the NCUA Chairman’s annual statement reinforcing the agency’s commitment to the principles of diversity and inclusion.

Workforce Diversity Programs

The NCUA has established a variety of programs to help us sustain a skilled, highly engaged, and diverse workforce at all levels, including leadership.

  • Recruitment outreach: Strategically engaging specific, diverse segments within the population allows us to broaden the pool of talent from which we recruit and strengthens potential employees’ understanding of our agency and the financial services sector.
  • Formal mentoring: Providing opportunities to build and share organizational knowledge and professional expertise capitalizes on the experience of successful individuals committed to the development of an inclusive, high-performing workforce. This in turn improves the mentees’ skills, organizational perspective, and self-confidence. The NCUA benefits from an enhanced, inclusive work environment and strengthened employee recruitment, development and retention.
  • Diversity Advisory Council: Leveraging a team of diversity champions from throughout the agency provides the NCUA with a valuable resource to assist and advise decision makers with diversity and inclusion efforts.
  • Training and education: Learning and professional development programs ensure the NCUA maintains a consistent and competent pool of diverse talent. Focusing on topics such as unconscious bias provides staff and supervisors with techniques to identify and mitigate bias and equip them with tools to be more inclusive in the workplace.

Workplace Inclusion Programs

  • Special Emphasis: Acknowledging the achievements and contributions of diverse groups promotes inclusion, breaks down barriers, and increases team efforts. The NCUA’s Special Emphasis programs include:
    • African-American;
    • American-Indian and Alaska Native;
    • Asian-American and Pacific Islander;
    • Hispanic;
    • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender;
    • People with disabilities;
    • Veterans; and 
    • Women.
  • Student Interns: Providing internships for students from diverse communities allows the NCUA to bring talented young individuals into the organization for temporary assignments. This gives the students valuable, substantive work experience and exposure to the financial services industry while bringing diverse perspectives, fresh ideas, and young talent into the agency. More information about this program is available here.
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