Where DOI Employees Get Their Information

The Interior Library provides a full range of professional reference and research services, available to Interior employees in both the Washington, DC, area and nationwide. The collections include Departmental publications, as well as related books, journals, electronic databases and other resources that support the mission of the Department, its agencies, and bureaus.

Search the Library's Catalog

The Library's own collections include some 200,000 current and historical publications.

Temporary Library

A new temporary Interior Library is now open in Room 2262 of the Stewart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building. Due to the modernization of wing 1 of the building, the Interior Library's historic Reading Room and stack areas have been closed to patrons.

More on the impact of the Modernization Project on Library services

Location & Hours

  • Room 2262
    Stewart Lee Udall Department of Interior Building
    1849 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20240
  • Open 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays).

Contact Us

Upcoming Programs

All Park Ranger Talks scheduled in 2016 will be held in the Rachel Carson Room, which is located on the ground level of the Stewart L. Udall Department of the Interior Building. Other training sessions will be held in the temporary library in Room 2262.


Park Ranger Speaker Series

The Carter G. Woodson Home National Historic Site
Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 1:00 pm -- 1:45 pm

The Carter G. Woodson Home National Historic Site highlights Dr. Carter G. Woodson's contributions to the nation. Around the turn of the 20th century as he began his own academic career, Woodson noticed a glaring hole in the educational system in the United States. The public knew very little about the role of African Americans in American history, and schools were not including African American history in their curricula.

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Training Sessions

Locating Scientific Government Information on the Web: When Google Isn't Enough
Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 2:00 - 3:15 pm

You know that white paper or technical report exists online, but is just not coming up when you search the web for it. Or maybe you don’t know exactly what you need, but feel certain a government agency has compiled plenty of data about the subject you are researching – but where to begin finding it all?

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Electronic Resources for Departmental Employees

Others must come to the Interior Library to use these databases, or contact a Reference Librarian for assistance.

General Interest


Law and Public Policy


Find Electronic Journals By Title

To help you determine whether and where a needed journal is available online, we provide this complete, searchable alphabetical list of titles. If you're not sure where to find a journal online, try this list first.


The list combines the full-text journals and other periodicals in all the database services to which the Library has access.

Also included are some single subscriptions as well as some journals freely available on the Internet. Most entries include coverage dates, and all entries have links directly to the journal.

Please direct your questions on database searching strategies to a Reference Librarian.


The Federal Depository Library Program

As a member of the Federal Depository Library Program, the Interior Library provides local, no-fee access to Federal government information in an impartial environment with professional assistance. Anyone can visit Federal depository libraries and use the Federal depository collections. The Interior Library has received Federal depository materials since its designation in 1895.