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NASA Office of Small Business Programs, Where Small Business Makes a Big Difference

Strategic Planning

NASA Small Business Strategic Plan
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Effective March 2012


  • To advise the Administrator on all matters related to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) small business programs.
  • To promote the development and management of NASA programs that assist all categories of small business.
  • To develop small businesses in high-tech areas that include technology transfer and commercialization of technology.
  • To provide small businesses with the maximum number of practicable opportunities to participate in NASA prime contracts and subcontracts.


  • To promote and integrate all small businesses into the competitive base of contractors that pioneers the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research.

Long-Term Goals

  • Demonstrate commitment to small business utilization.
  • Engage senior leadership in achieving small business goals.
  • Expand small business program training and encourage participation by the acquisition community.
  • Utilize the Small Business Improvement Plan to promote continuous improvement for all small business programs.
  • Structure the Center small business offices to maximize effectiveness.
  • Develop programs that support high-tech small business firms through Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards and the Mentor-Protégé Program, etc.
  • Promote internal activities with mission directorates, mission support offices, and NASA Centers.
  • Create a Small Business Technical Coordinator in program and project offices throughout the Agency.
  • Ensure that our databases truly represent the facts upon which decisions are made through the use of a Small Business Dashboard.
  • Promote external outreach activities at conferences, prime vendor councils, and other Government agencies.
  • Encourage Centers to have regional Industry Days focused on the socioeconomic programs where the Agency or Center did not meet its goals.
  • Grow the high-tech small business supplier base through increased awareness of contracting opportunities through the Acquisition Forecast, NASA Vendor Database, and NASA Automated Information System.
  • Focus communication through the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.).
  • Expand subcontracting opportunities for small businesses.
  • Breakout small business requirements and set them aside whenever possible.


  • Promote programs that support high-tech small business firms through SBIR/STTR awards and the Mentor-Protégé Program and track the following metrics:
    • the number of mentors,
    • the number of successful Mentor-Protégé Agreements, and
    • the number of Phase III SBIR Awards.
  • Promote both internal and external outreach activities and the number of Center participants and track the following metrics:
    • the number of meetings with mission directorate, mission support, and senior Center personnel;
    • the number of internal outreach events and the number of participants;
    • the number of external outreach events and the number of participants;
    • the number of outreach events with senior leadership attending; and
    • the number of Small Business Technical Coordinators.
  • Promote a NASA-wide database of small business vendors that also tracks
    • the number of vendors registered in the database,
    • the number of searches performed in the database,
    • the number of e-mails sent through database,
    • the number of small businesses viewing the Acquisition Forecast,
    • the number of acquisition personnel using the Small Business Dashboard, and
    • the Survey of Vendors to ascertain the effectiveness of the NASA Small Business Program.
  • Promote the Small Business Training Program for NASA acquisition personnel and track the following data:
    • the number of acquisition personnel trained in classroom sessions in various small business categories and
    • the number of acquisition personnel trained via a Web session in various small business categories.
  • Expand subcontracting opportunities for small businesses by doing the following:
    • tracking subcontracting opportunities through the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) and
    • tracking documentation as it passes from the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) through eSRS into the Contractor Performance Reporting System (CPARS).

Small Business Enterprise Integration

Enterprise Management

  • Alignment—All OSBP priorities are aligned with the strategy and plans of NASA and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
  • Governance—The OSBP is responsible to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), the SBA, Congress, and NASA to meet the Agency’s small business goals.

Enterprise Execution

  • Driven by Common Processes—The OSBP business model is driven by Federal AcquisitionRegulation practices and adapted to NASA requirements.
  • Resource Allocation/Costwise—All small business goals are based on the industrial base, past performance, and congressional mandates.
  • Risk Management—The level of operational risk is dependent upon mission-driven requirements.
  • Metrics-Shaped—Mission, cost, reliability, and consistency.
  • Barrier Removal—Continuous transformation.


  • Small business represents increased productivity and decreased costs.
  • Continuous improvement.

NASA Small Business Veteran Strategic Plan
(Download PDF )

Effective March 2012


  • To advise the Administrator on all matters related to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) small business programs.
  • To promote the development and management of NASA programs that assist all categories of small business.
  • To develop small businesses in high-tech areas that include technology transfer and commercialization of technology.
  • To provide small businesses with the maximum number of practicable opportunities to participate in NASA prime contracts and subcontracts.


  • To promote and integrate all small businesses into the competitive base of contractors that pioneers the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research.

Veteran Goals

  • Demonstrate commitment to the Veteran Small Business Program.
  • Engage senior leadership in achieving veteran small business goals.
  • Increase annual contract actions and contract dollar values for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSB).
  • Increase the use of restricted competitions and sole-source awards for Service-Disabled Veteran–Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB).
  • Increase the number of Veteran-Owned Small Businesses in high-tech areas by expanding the Mentor-Protégé Program.
  • Monitor Veteran-Owned Small Businesses’ subcontracting performance through the expanded use of Individual Subcontract Reports at each Center.
  • Monitor the Agency’s annual Veteran-Owned Small Business subcontracting dollars through the Summary Subcontract Report.
  • Provide outreach to Veteran-Owned Small Businesses through sponsorship of the National Veterans Conference and by participating in other veteran conferences.
  • Encourage Centers to have regional Industry Days focused on the Veteran Small Business Program.
  • Increase communication to Veteran-Owned Small Businesses through the expanded use of the Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) Web site by updating it annually or as needed.
  • Focus communication through the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
  • Develop a training program for the NASA acquisition workforce that concentrates on veteran programs.
  • Monitor Federal databases to ensure that all veteran data are accurately entered and reviewed on a daily basis through the use of a Small Business Dashboard.
  • Require NASA Centers to report initiatives in support of veteran programs on a semiannual basis.
  • Use an enterprise model to execute these goals and track accomplishments.
  • Recognize annually the NASA Centers that meet the statutory 3 percent goal for Service-Disabled Veteran–Owned Small Businesses.

Small Business Enterprise Integration

Enterprise Management

  • Alignment—All OSBP priorities are aligned with the strategy and plans of NASA, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
  • Governance—The OSBP is responsible to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the SBA, the VA, Congress, and NASA to meet the Agency’s small business goals.

Enterprise Execution

  • Driven by Common Processes—The OSBP business model is driven by Federal Acquisition Regulation practices and adapted to NASA requirements.
  • Resource Allocation/Costwise—All small business goals are predicated on the industrial base, past performance, and congressional mandates.
  • Risk Management—The level of operational risk is dependent upon mission-driven requirements.
  • Metrics-Shaped—Mission, cost, reliability, and consistency.
  • Barrier Removal—Continuous transformation.


  • Small business represents increased productivity and decreased costs.
  • Continuous improvement.

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