The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

APS Seminars & Meetings Overview


Users Meeting

An annual week-long event with presentations, expos, posters, workshops, and social events.

All-Hands Meeting

Quarterly update meetings for PSC staff and resident users.


User Science Series

A lunchtime gathering with presentations of the newest results from the experiment hall floor. Speakers are not announced in advance.


APS Colloquium

A series that brings distinguished scientists from all disciplines to lecture on topics of general interest.

APS Scientific Computation Seminar Series

A seminar series focused on scientific computation for APS experiments. It focuses on advanced software and computing infrastructure for analysis, reduction, reconstruction, and simulation. It provides an opportunity to learn about state-of-the-art computational techniques and tools and how they are being applied to science at the APS.

APS Upgrade (APS-U) Forum

Provides an opportunity for discussion, presentation and communication amongst the resident user community, those working on the project, and those working on R&D topics of importance to the future of the APS.Will help strengthen and streamline communications between the APS-U and the various APS communities.

APS-Upgrade (APS-U) Planning Meeting

A meeting that emphasizes topics relevant primarily to people working directly for the APS-U project.

Argonne Beams and Applications

Intended for accelerator scientists, engineers, and technicians. The seminars focus on the physics, technology, and applications of particle and photon beams.

GSAS-II Users' Meeting

Topical meetings for ANL-based users of GSAS-II, an APS-developed software package for x-ray and neutron diffraction supporting data analysis techniques that include single-crystal crystallography, powder diffraction crystallography (Rietveld analysis), stress and texture measurements, small-angle scattering, area detector calibration and integration, and soon reflectometry. It replaces the aging GSAS/EXPGUI packages, which are currently cited ~500 times/year, but GSAS-II offers many more capabilities.

InterCAT Technical Workgroup (TWG)

A forum for direct discussion and exchange of technical information between beamline technical personnel and the APS.

Scientific Interest Groups

Self-organizing groups offer forums for discussion among users and beamline staff who are interested in advancing synchrotron research in specialized areas.

