SEDAR 12 Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper

Project Description

SEDAR 12 developed an assessment of red grouper in the Gulf of Mexico. The Data Workshop was held July 24 - 28, 2006 in St. Petersburg, FL; the Assessment Workshop October 16 - 20, 2006 in Miami, FL; and the Review Workshop January 29 - February 2, 2007 in Atlanta, GA. Complete documentation of all workshops is provided in the final stock assessment report that is listed on this introductory page. Reports from each workshop are also available on the pages dedicated to each specific workshop for convenience. *** NOTE: SEDAR Working papers document the methods, datasets, and preliminary analyses that are under consideration and therefore do not necessarily represent final consensus opinions of workshop participants. Working paper findings and methods may change following workshop review. Working papers should not be cited without author permission. The findings and conclusions of working papers and workshop reports are those of the authors and participants and do not necessarily represent the views of any agencies involved in SEDAR.****

Project Final Report
Project Update Report
Project Workshops