If you need help, you've come to the right place!  This section will help you navigate the site, find frequently used resources, and more.  Take a look below for the sections available:


Site Overview


This section describes the purpose of the site and some objectives to keep in mind when reading about Information Sharing and Technology.


Frequently Asked Questions


Everything from how to apply for funding to implement information sharing projects to how to find a specific NIEM IEPD can be found here!  Questions are separated by topic area.


Glossary of Terms


The information sharing and technologies industries are full of acronyms and jargon that can sometimes make even simple background information or summaries complex.  Look here for a comprehensive list of terms, acronyms, and definitions to help you through the information sharing world.


Contact Us


This page contains a form that can be used for a myriad of requests.  From asking questions about technical assistance or rule revisions to reporting broken links on the website, use the Contact Us form to get in touch quickly.


Site Map


The layout of the entire it.ojp.gov website can be found here in a hierarchical list format. Use the Site Map to find resources or simply get a feel for the structure of the website.


Accessibility Statement


If any users have difficulty accessing materials from this site, please contact us at global@iir.com or (800) 446-0912, and we will do our best to provide assistance.  We are committed to providing access to all users of electronic technology and removing barriers if at all feasible.  Thank you.