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The latest general information on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is available on For USDOT specific COVID-19 resources, please visit our page.

A Collaborative Transportation Research and Analytics Platform

The USDOT Secure Data Commons (SDC) can help speed up transportation data collection and analysis. See what the SDC can do for your project.

How Can the SDC Fulfill Your Needs?

Support when you need it

Projects considering and using SDC have the ability to request and pay for customized support for their projects above and beyond baseline technical support services. The customized support program ensures that customers have the necessary skills to rapidly deliver analytical results in the SDC, implement best practices in their use of the SDC, and consistently achieve their analytical and business goals using the SDC. The program offers a menu of services tailored to data providers as well as data analysts that are part of a project team, and the menu can be customized based on provider or project needs.

Last updated with release 2.5 (February 6, 2020)