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Invoked Technical Standards

Technical Standards provide non-mandatory best practices and acceptable methods for meeting requirements. If a Technical Standard is invoked by a DOE Order, the Technical Standard becomes a requirements document in accordance with the applicability and conditions described within the invoking Order. DOE O 251.1D, Appendix J provides a definition for “Invoked Technical Standard.”

The lists below identify the Technical Standards that are currently invoked by DOE Orders. The list will be adjusted as Orders are updated, if newer versions of the Technical Standards are invoked.

DOE Technical StandardsInvoking DOE Directives
DOE-STD-1020-2016, Natural Phenomena Hazard Analysis and Design Criteria for DOE Facilities DOE O 420.1C Chg 3 (LtdChg), Facility Safety
DOE-STD-1063-2017, Facility Representatives DOE O 422.1 Chg 3 (MinChg), Conduct of Operations
DOE-STD-1070-94, Criteria for Evaluation of Nuclear Facility Training Programs DOE O 426.2 Chg 1 (AdminChg), Personnel Selection, Training, Qualification, and Certification Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities
DOE-STD-1073-2016, Configuration Management Program DOE O 413.3B Chg 5 (MinChg), Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets
DOE-STD-1104-2016, Review and Approval of Nuclear Facility Safety Basis and Safety Design Basis Documents

DOE O 413.3B Chg 5 (MinChg), Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets

DOE O 420.1C Chg 3 (LtdChg), Facility Safety
DOE-STD-1167-2003, The Department of Energy Respiratory Acceptance Program for Supplied-Air Suits DOE O 440.1B Chg 3 (LtdChg), Worker Protection Program for DOE (Including the National Nuclear Security Administration) Federal Employees
DOE-STD-1189-2016, Integration of Safety into the Design Process

DOE O 413.3B Chg 5 (MinChg), Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets

DOE O 420.1C Chg 3 (LtdChg), Facility Safety
DOE-STD-1196-2011, Derived Concentration Technical Standard DOE O 458.1 Chg 4 (LtdChg), Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment
DOE-STD-1212-2012, Explosives Safety DOE O 440.1B Chg 3 (LtdChg), Worker Protection Program for DOE (Including the National Nuclear Security Administration) Federal Employees
DOE-STD-3007-2017, Preparing Criticality Safety Evaluations at Department of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities DOE O 420.1C Chg 3 (LtdChg), Facility Safety
DOE-STD-3009-2014, Preparation of Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Documented Safety Analysis

DOE O 420.1C Chg 3 (LtdChg), Facility Safety

DOE O 461.1C Chg 1 (MinChg), Packaging and Transportation for Offsite Shipment of Materials of National Security Interest
DOE-STD-3016-2018, Hazard Analysis Reports for Nuclear Explosive Operations DOE O 461.1C Chg 1 (MinChg), Packaging and Transportation for Offsite Shipment of Materials of National Security Interest

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