NIH: Fogarty International Center NIH: Fogarty International Center
Advancing Science for Global Health
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Apply for a Grant

The Fogarty International Center, a part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), funds research and research training to build sustainable research capacity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The Fogarty International Center (FIC) does NOT:

  • Accept unsolicited grant applications,
  • Provide grants specifically for foreign travel to meetings or conferences, or
  • Provide training grants directly to students; we do provide training grants to institutions who select trainees.

If interested in these types of training grants, please see the Non-NIH Funding Opportunities Directory for information about other agencies and organizations that may meet your needs.

Grants Information | How to Apply | FAQs | Human Subjects

NIH Grants Information

  • NIH Information for New Grantee Organizations: Welcome page created by the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER).
  • NIH Grants Policy Statement: The technical handbook for grants at NIH.
  • NIH Glossary of Commonly Used Terms: Also includes acronyms and abbreviations used throughout NIH.
  • Podcasts: All About Grants: Conversations with NIH staff members designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others interested in grant topics. In .mp3 format and updated monthly.
  • VIDEOS: NIH Grant Review Process: Produced by the Center for Scientific Review (CSR), these videos, NIH Peer Review Revealed , and NIH Tips for Applicants and What Happens to Your NIH Grant Application, give grantees an inside look at how scientists from across the country review NIH grant applications for scientific and technical merit.

How to Apply

Frequently Asked Questions

Human Subjects Research

If your study involves human subjects, it may meet the NIH definition of a clinical trial.

For Current Grantees

View information on how to Manage an Existing Grant.


Inquiries are encouraged. The opportunity to clarify any comments, issues, or questions is welcome. If you have any Fogarty-specific questions, please call our main line at 301-496-1653.

Updated March 2020