
Check Recalls on Your Vehicle

Honda is concerned about safety. That's why the Honda Owners site provides current recall information about your car, crossover or SUV. The Honda Owners site recall listings are based on your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) so we can provide exact information for your specific vehicle. To view any current recalls for your vehicle, please enter your VIN or sign in.

Or enter your Honda VIN to get recall information specific to your vehicle:

17 characters, letters and numbers only

Check VIN for Recalls

Where can I find my VIN?

Where can I find my VIN?

Every automobile has a unique 17-character Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) that contains information about that vehicle. You can find your 17-character VIN:

  • At the base of your vehicle's windshield, on the driver's side
  • On your vehicle's registration
  • On your insurance statement or proof-of-insurance card
  • On your financial services statement
  • On new owner surveys or customer satisfaction surveys sent by American Honda Motor Co.

For More Information

To find out more Honda recall information, you may also contact your local Honda dealer or use either of the addresses below:

    • American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
    • Honda Automobile Customer Service
    • 1919 Torrance Blvd.
    • Mail Stop 500-2N-7A
    • Torrance, CA 90501-2746
    • Phone: 800-999-1009
    • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    • 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
    • Washington, DC 20590
    • Auto Safety Hotline: 888-327-4236