Administrative Conference of the United States


ACUS is one of the federal government's "best bargains... for the buck"

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Former ACUS Chairman


ACUS is an independent federal agency charged with convening expert representatives from the public and private sectors to recommend improvements to administrative process and procedure. ACUS initiatives promote efficiency, participation, and fairness in the promulgation of federal regulations and in the administration of federal programs.


ACUS collaborates with experts across legal, business, non-profit and academic arenas to recommend improvements to federal government regulatory and administrative processes. This extensive, consensus-driven research program takes place under the direction of the Chair and the Council, with the assistance of the Research Director and other Conference Staff. Assembly projects on a variety of administrative law topics inform ACUS Recommendations to federal agencies, Congress, and the courts. Office of the Chairman projects may take the form of targeted technical assistance for agencies, working groups, or other efforts aimed at developing new research or published products other than Recommendations.


ACUS provides valuable guidance to Congress, government agencies, educators and practitioners, the press, public advocates and students. ACUS works collaboratively across agencies, academia and industry to identify and solve complex problems. ACUS strives to make government work better through innovation, collaboration and optimization of resources. ACUS has published online all of its historical recommendations and made this information publicly available in order to serve as a reference and resource for all. 

Key Topics

ACUS undertakes initiatives that examine a range of administrative procedure topics. This section collects ACUS materials—including recommendations, reports, bulletins, and other publications—that relate to the subjects ACUS most frequently addresses and other topics of current interest. Individual pages provide access to ACUS resources on adjudication, artificial intelligence, government contracts, guidance documents, judicial review of agency actions, notice-and-comment rulemaking, and public availability of information.

Meetings & Events

ACUS regularly hosts meetings and other events that are open to interested parties and the public. This section provides information on ACUS committee meetings, plenary sessions, forums, and special events. Committee meetings are accessible on our livestream. Events are searchable by committee and date.


Stay connected with ACUS by following the agency on social media at @ACUSgov. Readers can also get their Administrative Fix via the ACUS blog. ACUS welcomes guest blog posts about current administrative law topics. ACUS has adopted over 250 recommendations and statements to improve agency decision making, promote effective regulatory oversight, and, often, produce cost-savings to the government and taxpayers. Visit the ACUS newsroom page to view more innovations that highlight agency efforts in these areas. For all press inquiries, please contact Harry M. Seidman at 202.480.2085 or via email at