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PC Software Download - DSUPDATE

DSUPDATE - Version 1.1

[September, 2003]


DSUPDATE is windows based software for updating Data Sheet files. Using DSUPDATE you can merge/replace one Data Sheet file into another so that newly retrieved Data Sheets will replace older ones, thereby keeping your Data Sheet file up-to-date.
  • Download the PC executable

  • View the program readme file.

  • View a description on the NGS datasheet format.


RELATED PC Software:

  • Program 'DSFILES' is used to join and split NGS Digital Datasheets files.

  • Program 'DSWIN' is used to find, extract, view, and print NGS Digital Datasheets.

Download a ZIP'ed archive of DSWIN, DSFILES, and DSUPDATE [1.08 MB].

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For questions about this page or downloading problems,
contact the Webmaster. Last Modified:
April 15, 2011.