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This image represents the computational area of MEXICO97, not the released area.

The MEXICO97 model is a high resolution gravimetric geoid height model covering the region 14-33N, 119-86W.

All computations were performed in the ITRF94 (1996.0) reference frame. The geoid heights are relative to a geocentric GRS-80 reference ellipsoid. With respect to the permanent tide of the Earth, the MEXICO97 geoid model is in the non-tidal system. No attempt was made to incorporate GPS on levelled benchmarks for this model and therefore MEXICO97 is not suitable for direct conversion between NAD83 GPS ellipsoid heights and NAVD88 orthometric heights.

MEXICO97 has been prepared in cooperation with the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia e Informatica (INEGI). The MEXICO97 geoid model has been designed specifically for Mexico. Due to data coverage and computational issues, one will find offsets between MEXICO97 and either GEOID96 or G96SSS in regions of overlap.

In the Mexico area, geoid heights range from a low of -47.6 meters in the Pacific (magenta) to a high of 6.8 meters (red) in Honduras.