Vegetables and Pulses Yearbook Tables

The compiled Vegetables and Pulses Yearbook tables, including a detailed table of contents, and tables from the previous years are also available.  Prior to 2012, this data series was entitled Vegetables and Melons Yearbook, archive copies are available here.

Yearbook tables contain a time series of annual per capita supply and use data for fresh and processed vegetables and for dry pulse crops.  Included are U.S. production, exports, imports, per capita utilization, and prices.

Data Set Last Updated Next Update
U.S. per capita availability of fresh and processing vegetables, dry pulse crops, and potatoes; U.S. vegetable trade 11/13/2020
Supply and Utilization: Fresh Market
U.S. fresh market vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, and sweet potatoes: supply utilization and price 3/30/2020
Supply and Utilization: Processed Market
U.S. processing vegetables, mushrooms, and potatoes: supply utilization and price 3/30/2020
Supply and Utilization: Dry Pulse Crops
U.S. dry edible beans: supply, availability and price 3/30/2020
All Tables
Vegetables and Pulses Yearbook 11/13/2020
Vegetables and Pulses "machine readable data" file 3/30/2020