Realtime CAM Data
CAM Verification
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More Information
  • CAM daily run schedules
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    Each CAM displayed on this site is run on a separate schedule. Some CAMs are run once daily, while others are run multiple times per day.

    Model0000 UTC run1200 UTC run
    FV3-NSSLAvailable ~1300 UTCN/A
    HRRRv3Available ~0130 UTCAvailable ~1330 UTC
    WRF-NSSLAvailable ~0400 UTCAvailable ~1600 UTC
    WRF-NSSL 3kmAvailable ~1300 UTCN/A

    NOTE: after you switch models, the most recent run for the new model may not be displayed by default. The default behavior upon switching models is to use the same date and run you were viewing for the previous model, if available (or the closest run, if not available). If you wish to view the most recent run of the new model, check the calendar and the date dropdown menu to verify which runs are available.

  • FV3-NSSL now uses the SAR FV3 configuration
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    The initial FV3-NSSL was implemented in the summer of 2018 as a global run with a refined nest covering the CONUS. On 13 June 2019, this configuration was replaced with the new stand-alone regional (SAR) FV3, which was developed by EMC, in conjunction with NSSL, GSD, and GFDL. Preliminary tests performed during the 2019 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment, found that the SAR FV3 improved noticeably relative to the older global-with-nest configuration, which is likely due to the more advanced physics that were also implemented (see below).

    The SAR FV3 runs over a CONUS domain and inherits initial and lateral boundary conditions from the GFS, much like NSSL's WRF runs. This reduces the computational expense, relative to the original global-with-nest configuration. As a result, the FV3-NSSL should now typically be available by about 7-8 hours after the initialization time. The SAR FV3 runs use Thompson microphysics and MYNN PBL via the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP).

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