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Environment & Climate Change

Jurisdiction includes the Clean Air Act and air emissions; all matters related to soil, air, and water contamination, including Superfund and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; the regulation of solid, hazardous, and nuclear wastes, including mining, nuclear, oil, gas, and coal combustion waste; emergency environmental response; industrial plant security, including cybersecurity; the regulation of drinking water (Safe Drinking Water Act), including underground injection of fluids (e.g., deep well injection or hydrofracking); toxic substances (Toxic Substances Control Act); noise; and all aspects of the above-referenced jurisdiction related to the Department of Homeland Security.


Paul Tonko
Paul Tonko
New York ~ 20

Democratic Members

Yvette Clarke
Yvette D. Clarke
New York ~ 09
Scott Peters
Scott H. Peters
California ~ 52
Nanette Barragán
Nanette Diaz Barragán
California ~ 44
A. McEachin
A. Donald McEachin
Virginia ~ 04
Lisa Blunt Rochester
Lisa Blunt Rochester
Delaware ~ 00
Darren Soto
Darren Soto
Florida ~ 09
Diana DeGette
Diana DeGette
Colorado ~ 01
Janice Schakowsky
Janice D. Schakowsky
Illinois ~ 09
Doris Matsui
Doris O. Matsui
California ~ 06
Jerry McNerney
Jerry McNerney
California ~ 09
Raul Ruiz
Raul Ruiz
California ~ 36
Vice Chair
Debbie Dingell
Debbie Dingell
Michigan ~ 12


Frank Pallone
Frank Pallone
New Jersey ~ 06

Ranking Member

John Shimkus
John Shimkus
Illinois ~ 15

Republican Members

Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Washington ~ 05
David McKinley
David B. McKinley
West Virginia ~ 01
Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson
Ohio ~ 06
Billy Long
Billy Long
Missouri ~ 07
Bill Flores
Bill Flores
Texas ~ 17
Markwayne Mullin
Markwayne Mullin
Oklahoma ~ 02
Earl Carter
Earl L. "Buddy" Carter
Georgia ~ 01
Jeff Duncan
Jeff Duncan
South Carolina ~ 03


Greg Walden
Greg Walden
Oregon ~ 02