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Agency Submission

Federal Agencies: Make your content available on GPO's award-winning site for management, long-term preservation, and public access through GPO's Digital Content Solutions.

Contact GPO to learn more about making your content available on govinfo on a cost recovery basis.

What's Included

All content ingested through GPO's Digital Content Solutions receives:

  • Content management to securely control digital content throughout its lifecycle to ensure content integrity and authenticity,
  • Long-term preservation in GPO's standards-compliant preservation repository,
  • Standard application of digital signatures to PDF files,
  • Disaster recovery measures, and
  • Standard free online public access via the govinfo website, including:
    • Indexing for advanced and basic full-text search with support for Boolean and proximity operators,
    • Enhanced search functionality for filtering (by date published, government author, organization, and person) and sorting (by relevance, date, alphabetically) search results, and
    • Standard content details pages that include summary metadata, multiple file formats for download (as applicable), and associated metadata (MODS and PREMIS)

Additional services available include:

  • SFTP account set up for secure file transmission,
  • Customized landing page with backlink to agency website, customized description, and logo,
  • Promotion package including feature on the govinfo homepage, customized listing on A to Z and Category browse pages,
  • Customized search filters, browse hierarchy, and more!

Scope of Content Considered for Ingest

Generally, all content originating from a Federal agency and without restrictions to public access (e.g. classified for reasons of national security) are within scope of ingest into govinfo. This includes any publications that are made accessible by the agency on their public website. If you are unsure whether your documents meet this criteria, please contact GPO through your National Account Manager and provide a sample of the documents for a determination.

Getting Started

Contact GPO through your National Account Manager to get started or to learn more.