
OECD 60th anniversary

Join us, with our leaders and our stakeholders, for live discussions on major policy issues, or catch up on events you've missed, starting 14 December.

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Top stories

  • OECD 60th anniversary


    The 60th anniversary of the OECD Convention got under way on 14 December. Heads of state and government, leaders and stakeholders from around the world joined OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría to kick off the week's discussions, on health, gender, ageing, digitalisation, international co-operation and more. Catch up on our anniversary page.

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  • OECD Forum 2020


    The challenges we face, from climate change to the digital transition, work and education, have come more sharply into focus due to COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the replays of our special anniversary OECD Forum 2020 debates, from living and working longer and a new societal contract to challenges related to new COVID-19 vaccines, and much more.

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  • Coronavirus hub data insights

    OECD indicator on health spending, G7, 2018 or latest year available.

    Healthcare spending, healthcare use, hospital stays, vaccination rates, doctor consultations, and more. Find OECD data for your country, with dynamic charts, maps, tables and related publications at

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  • Health essentials from OECD iLibrary


    "What role might the social outcomes of education play during the COVID-19 lockdown?", “Health for Everyone?: Social Inequalities in Health and Health Systems”; "Taxing Wages”. For these reports and more, including working papers, journals and articles, visit OECD iLibrary.

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  • COVID-19 and our lives


    How is COVID-19 influencing our lives, our transport systems, businesses, our education, and the way we use digital technologies? See our series of short videos here. And don’t forget to follow us on YouTube.

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