2019 Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics


Introduction to the Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics

This is the twenty-fourth edition of the United States Sentencing Commission’s Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics. This Sourcebook contains descriptive statistics on the application of the federal sentencing guidelines and provides selected district, circuit, and national sentencing data. The volume covers fiscal year 2019 (October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019, hereinafter “2019”). This Sourcebook, together with the 2019 Annual Report, constitutes the annual report referenced in 28 U.S.C. § 997, as well as the analysis, recommendations, and accounting to Congress referenced in 28 U.S.C. § 994(w)(3). The Commission received documentation on 76,538 federal felony and Class A misdemeanor cases involving individual offenders in fiscal year 2019.[1] The Commission coded and edited information from the sentencing documents in these cases into its comprehensive, computerized data collection system.

The Commission first released sentencing data in its 1988 Annual Report and reported this data annually until 1996. That year, the Commission compiled sentencing data into a new publication, the Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics. In 2019, the Sourcebook edition reporting fiscal year 2018 data was substantially revised and expanded. Existing tables were revised to reflect current sentencing practices. Many figures were updated to make them easier to understand and were presented in color while others were removed and the data on them presented in new ways. Additional analyses regarding drug and immigration crimes were added, and new sections on firearms and economic offenses were included. Trend analyses were added to each of the major sections to show how sentencing patterns had changed over the last ten years. The Organizational Offender section of the Sourcebook was also expanded. Finally, Appendix B, which provides sentencing data for each judicial district, was completely redesigned to reflect current sentencing practices.

Beginning with that 2018 Sourcebook, important methodological changes were made in the way the data was presented. Principal among them was the way cases were assigned to a “type of crime” (previously called offense type). Beginning with fiscal year 2018 data, the guideline (or guidelines) that the court applied in determining the sentence determines the crime type category to which a case is assigned. Also, the names of some of the crime type categories were revised and some outdated categories were removed from the tables and figures. Another important methodological change was that sentences were capped at 470 months for all analyses. Additionally, cases involving the production of child pornography were reassigned to the sexual abuse crime type. Previously, these cases were assigned to the child pornography offense type in the Sourcebook.

Finally, beginning with the 2018 Sourcebook, the methodology used to analyze the sentence imposed relative to the sentencing range for the case as determined under the Commission’s Guidelines Manual was substantially revised. Sentences now are grouped into two broad categories: Sentences Under the Guidelines Manual and Variances. The former category comprises all cases in which the sentence imposed was within the applicable guideline range or, if outside the range, where the court cited one or more of the departure reasons in the Guidelines Manual as a basis for the sentence. Variance cases are those in which the sentence was outside the guideline range (either above or below) and where the court did not cite any guideline reason for the sentence. Data for important subgroups within these two categories are also reported.

Because of these methodological changes, direct comparisons between data for Sourcebooks from fiscal year 2018 and later years cannot always be made to data reported in the Sourcebook for years before fiscal year 2018.


The Commission collects and analyzes data on federal sentences to support its various activities. As authorized by Congress, the Commission’s numerous research responsibilities include: (1) the establishment of a research and development program to serve as a clearinghouse and information center for the collection, preparation, and dissemination of information on federal sentencing practices; (2) the publication of data concerning the sentencing process; (3) the systematic collection and dissemination of information concerning sentences actually imposed and the relationship of such sentences to the factors set forth in section 3553(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (4) the systematic collection and dissemination of information regarding the effectiveness of sentences imposed.[2]

The Commission maintains a comprehensive, computerized data collection system which forms the basis for its clearinghouse of federal sentencing information and which contributes to the agency’s research mission.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 994(w), the chief judge of each district is required to ensure that, within 30 days of entry of judgment in a criminal case, the sentencing court submits a report of sentence to the Commission that includes: (1) the Judgment and Commitment Order, (2) the written Statement of Reasons, (3) any plea agreement, (4) the indictment or other charging document, (5) the Presentence Report, and (6) any other information the Commission requests.

Data from these documents are extracted and coded for input into various databases. It should be noted that data collection is a dynamic rather than a static process. When research questions arise, the Commission analyzes its existing data or, when necessary, adds information to its data collection system.

In 2012, the Commission began making its datafiles available through the Commission’s website.[3] The Commission’s computerized datafiles, without individual identifiers, are also available through the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan (ICPSR).[4]


For each case in its Offender Datafile, the Commission routinely collects case identifiers, sentencing data, demographic variables, statutory information, the complete range of court guideline decisions, and departure and variance information. In addition to its standard data collection, the Commission often codes additional variables to study various distinct issues (e.g., type of conduct in fraud offenses, criminal history).

The Commission’s 2019 Offender Datafile contains documentation on 76,538 felony and Class A misdemeanor cases in which an individual offender was sentenced between October 1, 2018, and September 30, 2019. A “case” is defined as one sentencing event for an individual offender.

The Organizational Datafile contains documentation on organizations sentenced pursuant to Chapter Eight of the Guidelines Manual in fiscal year 2019. The Commission collects available data on organizational structure, size, and economic viability; offense of conviction; mode of adjudication; sanctions imposed (including probation and court-ordered compliance and ethics programs); and application of the sentencing guidelines. The Commission received information on 118 organizations sentenced pursuant to Chapter Eight of the Guidelines Manual.

While the 2019 reporting year includes cases sentenced between October 1, 2018, and September 30, 2019, it is important to note that the individual offender and organizational data collected and analyzed in the 2019 Annual Report and Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics reflect cases for that fiscal year reported to the Commission (i.e., guidelines cases for which the courts forwarded appropriate documentation to the Commission) by February 21, 2020.

The Appeals Datafile tracks appellate review of sentencing decisions. Information captured in this module includes district, circuit, date of opinion, sentencing issues, and the appellate court’s disposition. The Commission also tracks final opinions and orders, both published and unpublished, in federal criminal appeals. In 2019, the Commission gathered information on 6,830 cases decided by the courts of appeal. Cases involving co-appellants are treated as separate appeals for statistical purposes.

The Commission implemented a data collection system to track resentencings and other modifications of sentence in 2008. The information collected includes judicial district, reason for resentencing, new sentence, and guideline application information, if available. Information is collected on eight types of resentencings and other modifications of sentence. In 2019, the Commission received documentation on 5,082 resentencings and other modifications of sentence.

The 2019 Annual Report and Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics, quarterly updates to federal sentencing data, and analyses of annual data in each federal judicial district, circuit, and state are available on the Commission’s website at https://www.ussc.gov/research.

Additional information on Commission data can also be found using the Commission’s Interactive Data Analyzer (IDA). IDA is an online tool that can be used to explore, filter, customize, and visualize federal sentencing data. IDA presents annual data that is stored in a secure data warehouse and refreshed periodically with the latest information collected, received, and edited by the Commission. IDA offers prebuilt data dashboards for the four most common crime types in the federal caseload and for other common areas of interest. You can navigate to these sections using the main menu. If you're looking for more granular data, use the filtering menu along the left side of any page. You can select data by fiscal years, jurisdictions, offender characteristics, or other variables. Filtering options will vary based on the topics you choose.

1  28 U.S.C. § 994(w); USSG §1B1.9.
2  28 U.S.C. §§ 995(a)(12) and (14) – (16).
3  The Commission’s datasets can be found at https://www.ussc.gov/research/datafiles/commission-datafiles.
4  The Consortium’s website address is https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/index.jsp.

Tables and Figures

2019 Circuit and District Statistics
Figure 1
Federal Offenders in Each District
Table 1
Federal Offenders in Each Circuit and District
Table 2
Document Submission by Each Circuit and District

2019 Primary Offense and Offender Characteristics
Table 3
Conviction Type in Each Circuit and District
Table 4
Change in Number of Federal Offenders by Type of Crime
Figure 2
Federal Offenders by Type of Crime
Figure 3
Number of Federal Offenders Over Time
Table 5
Race of Federal Offenders by Type of Crime
Table 6
Gender of Federal Offenders by Type of Crime
Table 7
Age of Federal Offenders by Type of Crime
Table 8
Age, Race, and Gender of Federal Offenders
Table 9
Citizenship of Federal Offenders by Type of Crime
Figure 4
Non-Citizen Status of Federal Offenders by Type of Crime
Table 10
Education of Federal Offenders by Type of Crime

2019 Sentencing Information
Table 11
Guilty Pleas and Trials in Each Circuit and District
Table 12
Guilty Pleas and Trials by Type of Crime
Figure 5
Guilty Pleas and Trials by Type of Crime
Figure 6
Sentence Type for Federal Offenders
Table 13
Sentence Type by Type of Crime
Table 14
Sentence Type by Citizenship and Sentencing Zone
Table 15
Sentence Imposed by Type of Crime
Table 16
Fine and Restitution by Type of Crime
Table 17
Amount of Fine and Restitution Ordered by Type of Crime
Table 18
Supervised Release by Type of Crime
Table 19
Rate of Non-Prison Sentences for U.S. Citizen Offenders

2019 Guideline Application
Table 20
Federal Offenders Sentenced Under Each Chapter Two Guideline
Table 21
Federal Offenders Receiving Chapter Three Guideline Adjustments
Table 22
Acceptance of Responsibility Reductions by Type of Crime
Figure 7
Criminal History Category of Federal Offenders
Table 23
Criminal History Points of Federal Offenders
Table 24
Federal Offenders in Each Offense Level and Criminal History Category
Table 25
Federal Offenders in Each Guideline Sentencing Range
Table 26
Number of Career Offenders and Armed Career Criminals by Type of Crime
Table 27
Sentence Length in Each Criminal History Category by Type of Crime
Table 28
Length of Imprisonment by Criminal History Category and Type of Crime

2019 Sentences Under the Guidelines Manual and Variances
Table 29
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range
Figure 8
Sentences Under the Guidelines Manual and Variances Over Time
Figure 9
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range Over Time
Table 30
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range in Each Circuit and District
Table 31
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range by Type of Crime
Table 32
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range by Primary Sentencing Guideline
Table 33
Attribution Category for Sentences Outside of the Guideline Range
Table 34
Position of Within Guideline Range Sentences by Type of Crime
Table 35
Extent of Upward Departures by Type of Crime
Table 36
Extent of Upward Variances by Type of Crime
Table 37
Extent of §5K1.1 Substantial Assistance Departures by Type of Crime
Table 38
Extent of §5K3.1 Early Disposition Program Departures by Type of Crime
Table 39
Extent of Other Downward Departures by Type of Crime
Table 40
Extent of Downward Variances by Type of Crime
Table 41
Reasons Given by Sentencing Courts for Upward Departures from the Guideline Range
Table 42
Reasons Given by Sentencing Courts for Upward Variances from the Guideline Range
Table 43
Reasons Given by Sentencing Courts for Downward Departures from the Guideline Range
Table 44
Reasons Given by Sentencing Courts for Downward Variances from the Guideline Range

2019 Drug Offenses
All Figures and Tables
Print the Full Section
Figure D-1
Distribution of Primary Drug Type in Federal Drug Cases
Table D-1
Primary Drug Type of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-2
Race of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-3
Gender of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-4
Age of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-5
Citizenship of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-6
Education of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-7
Criminal History Category of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-8
Weapon Involvement of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-9
Role Adjustment of Drug Trafficking Offenders
Table D-10
Drug Amounts (in Grams) for Selected Base Offense Levels and Drug Types
Table D-11
Length of Mandatory Minimum Penalties in Drug Trafficking Cases
Table D-12
Application of Recidivist Penalties in Drug Trafficking Cases
Table D-13
Drug Trafficking Offenders Receiving Safety Valve and Mandatory Minimum Penalties
Figure D-2
Mandatory Minimum Penalties in Drug Trafficking Cases
Table D-14
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range for Drug Trafficking Offenders
Figure D-3
Sentence Length of Drug Trafficking Offenders by Major Drug Type
Figure D-4
Number of Drug Trafficking Offenders by Major Drug Type Over Time
Figure D-5
Sentence Length of Drug Trafficking Offenders by Major Drug Type Over Time

2019 Immigration Offenses
All Figures and Tables
Print the Full Section
Figure I-1
Distribution of Immigration Offenders by Guideline
Table I-1
Race of Immigration Offenders
Table I-2
Gender of Immigration Offenders
Table I-3
Age of Immigration Offenders
Table I-4
Citizenship of Immigration Offenders
Table I-5
Criminal History Category and Citizenship of Immigration Offenders
Table I-6
Education of Immigration Offenders
Table I-7
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range for Immigration Offenders
Figure I-2
Number of Immigration Offenders Over Time
Figure I-3
Sentence Length of Immigration Offenders Over Time

2019 Firearms Offenses
All Figures and Tables
Print the Full Section
Figure F-1
Distribution of Firearms Offenders by Guideline
Table F-1
Race of Firearms Offenders
Table F-2
Gender of Firearms Offenders
Table F-3
Age of Firearms Offenders
Table F-4
Citizenship of Firearms Offenders
Table F-5
Education of Firearms Offenders
Figure F-2
Firearm Mandatory Minimum Penalties
Figure F-3
Convictions Under 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)
Table F-6
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range for Firearms Offenders
Figure F-4
Number of Firearms Offenders Over Time
Figure F-5
Sentence Length of Firearms Offenders Over Time

2019 Economic Offenses
All Figures and Tables
Print the Full Section
Figure E-1
Distribution of Economic Offense Offenders by Guideline
Table E-1
Race of Economic Offense Offenders
Table E-2
Gender of Economic Offense Offenders
Table E-3
Age of Economic Offense Offenders
Table E-4
Citizenship of Economic Offense Offenders
Table E-5
Education of Economic Offense Offenders
Table E-6
Loss Amount of Economic Offense Offenders
Table E-7
Sentence Imposed Relative to the Guideline Range for Economic Offense Offenders
Figure E-2
Number of Offenders in Each §2B1.1 Loss Table Category
Figure E-3
Number of Economic Offense Offenders Over Time
Figure E-4
Sentence Length of Economic Offense Offenders Over Time

2019 Organizational Offender Sentencing Data
Figure O-1
Organizational Offenders by Type of Crime
Figure O-2
Number of Organizational Offenders Over Time
Figure O-3
Organizational Offenders by Ownership Structure
Figure O-4
Organizational Offenders by Type of Business
Figure O-5
Size of Organizational Offenders by Number of Employees
Table O-1
Fine and Restitution for Organizational Offenders by Type of Crime
Table O-2
Amount of Fine and Restitution Ordered for Organizational Offenders by Type of Crime
Figure O-6
Application of Chapter Eight Fine Guidelines
Table O-3
Chapter Eight Sentencing Components for Organizational Offenders
Figure O-7
Culpability Factors Applied to Determine Fines Imposed on Organizational Offenders
Table O-4
Culpability Factors for Organizational Offenders

2019 Sentencing Appeals
Figure A
Type and Disposition of Appeals Cases
Table A-1
Type of Appeal in Each Circuit and District
Table A-2
Disposition of Offender Original Sentencing Appeals in Each Circuit and District
Table A-3
Disposition of Government Original Sentencing Appeals in Each Circuit and District
Table A-4
Guideline Forming the Basis for Reversal or Remand in Offender Appeals of the Original Sentence
Table A-5
Guideline Forming the Basis for Reversal or Remand in Government Appeals of the Original Sentence
Table A-6
Reasonableness Issues Appealed in Cases Where the Original Sentence Was Reversed or Remanded
Table A-7
Offense and Offender Characteristics in Original Sentence Appeals Cases
Table A-8
Sentence Length for Offenders in Original Sentence Appeals Cases by Type of Crime

2019 Resentencings and Other Modifications of Sentence
Figure R
Distribution of Offenders by Type of Resentencing or Other Modification of Sentence
Table R
Type of Resentencing or Other Modification of Sentence in Each Circuit and District


2019 Appendix A
Appendix A
Descriptions of Datafiles and Variables

2019 Appendix B - Selected Sentencing Statistics by District
Appendix B (All Districts)
Alabama Middle
Alabama Northern
Alabama Southern
Arkansas Eastern
Arkansas Western
California Central
California Eastern
California Northern
California Southern
District of Columbia
Florida Middle
Florida Northern
Florida Southern
Georgia Middle
Georgia Northern
Georgia Southern
Illinois Central
Illinois Northern
Illinois Southern
Indiana Northern
Indiana Southern
Iowa Northern
Iowa Southern
Kentucky Eastern
Kentucky Western
Louisiana Eastern
Louisiana Middle
Louisiana Western
Michigan Eastern
Michigan Western
Mississippi Northern
Mississippi Southern
Missouri Eastern
Missouri Western
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York Eastern
New York Northern
New York Southern
New York Western
North Carolina Eastern
North Carolina Middle
North Carolina Western
North Dakota
Northern Mariana Islands
Ohio Northern
Ohio Southern
Oklahoma Eastern
Oklahoma Northern
Oklahoma Western
Pennsylvania Eastern
Pennsylvania Middle
Pennsylvania Western
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee Eastern
Tennessee Middle
Tennessee Western
Texas Eastern
Texas Northern
Texas Southern
Texas Western
Virgin Islands
Virginia Eastern
Virginia Western
Washington Eastern
Washington Western
West Virginia Northern
West Virginia Southern
Wisconsin Eastern
Wisconsin Western