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What's New at REL

District Changes in Student Achievement and Local Practice under Georgia's District and School Flexibility Policy

REL Southeast explored whether Georgia's flexibility policy, which grants waivers from state regulations and requires districts to meet performance targets, changed districts' academic performance and approaches to implementing innovative practices. » More info


Participation in State-Funded Prekindergarten in Oklahoma

This REL Southwest report describes prior participation in Oklahoma's state-funded prekindergarten program among first-time public school kindergarten students as well as how participation varies across different groups of students and relates to geographic measures of access to early learning and care. » More info


An Approach to Using Student and Teacher Data to Understand and Predict Teacher Shortages

This REL Central report presents a process for developing and implementing a teacher predictor model that describes and predicts the teacher workforce and shortages by subject area, grade level, and geographic region. » More info


Professional Learning Community: Emergent Literacy

This REL Southeast tool is designed to engage preschool teachers in collaborative learning experiences to support implementation of evidence-based language and literacy strategies that, in turn, can benefit children. » More info


REL Midwest Examines a Professional Development Program for Culturally Responsive Practices in Wisconsin

The study examines the percentages of schools that participated in the program and their practices and characteristics, and the relationship between program participation and school outcomes. » More info