Tools Catalog

Tool Submission

The NIEM Tools Catalog provides, for the convenience of the NIEM community, a location to identify tools available to support capabilities defined in criteria below​. Once submitted, each tool will undergo a review process.

A short note from our lawyers: NIEM does not endorse any tool. The NIEM Tools Catalog is designed for informational purposes and the convenience of users. NIEM has no ownership, nor provides any license for use of any non-government tool listed. Please reference information provided with each tool, as license and ownership may vary. None of the tools listed have been given to the government and are not considered gifts to the government.

The NIEM Tools Catalog is designed to present general information to viewers on tools that meet NIEM-specific criteria for the convenience of the community. NIEM will place a description and link to any tool meeting the established criteria for inclusion. All qualifying tools will be posted. 

Tool providers shall self-assess their tool against the criteria defined below prior to submission.

  • The tool shall support at least one of the following NIEM-specific capabilities:
    • NIEM Information Exchange (also known as IEPD*) Development
    • NIEM Model Management
    • NIEM Model Search and Discovery
    • NIEM Information Exchange Storage, Search, and Discovery
  • The tool shall produce NIEM-conformant artifacts that align with NIEM normative specifications, which can be found at
  • The tool shall have the NIEM model — supporting at least one NIEM release — either built into the tool or shall provide the option for the NIEM model to be imported into it. Please note: This is only applicable for a tool that is meant for NIEM Model Management, NIEM Model Search and Discovery, and NIEM Exchange (IEPD*) Development.
  • The tool shall have at least one production release that is available for download. Beta tools will not be considered for the Tools Catalog, however, please contact the NIEM Program Management Office ( and we may be available to assist your Beta review.
  • NIEM users should be able to acquire the tool without support from the NIEM Program Management Office or NIEM Helpdesk.
  • The vendor shall provide a brief description of the tool, which NIEM capabilities apply, and where the tool is used by the broader NIEM community.
  • Tool providers acknowledge that the NIEM Helpdesk will not provide support for the tool; as such, the tool provider shall include in their submission contact information for tool-related questions, e.g., a helpdesk phone number and/or email address.
  • The vendor shall ensure that their tool information on stays up-to-date by notifying the NIEM Program Management Office ( if there are any changes.
  • The tool vendor agrees to allow NIEM users to rate and comment on the tool if such functionality is available on
  • The tool provider acknowledges that the NIEM Tools Catalog is designed for informational purposes and the convenience of users. Any reference in the Tools Catalog to commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name does not constitute endorsement, certification, recommendation, or preferential treatment by NIEM—and may not be implied in promotional material and/or advertising. The tool provider will not use "NIEM", the "National Information Exchange Model", or the name of its partners without prior written consent of NIEM or the relevant partner(s).
  • The tool provider acknowledges that the NIEM program may modify this criterion to keep up with the evolving needs of the NIEM community. If there is a change to the criteria, tool providers will be notified. Based on updates to the criteria, all tools within the NIEM Tools Catalog may be reassessed.
  • The tool provider acknowledges that the NIEM Program Management Office reserves the right to remove tools from the NIEM Tools Catalog if the NIEM community provides feedback that the tool does not meet the criteria, does not perform its stated functionality, or there are other identified issues with the tool, e.g., a virus.


Schema Subset Generation Tool - SSGT

Enables users to search through the NIEM data model and build a NIEM subset. Works with all NIEM versions: 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and 4.0.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
Mapping Document
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Implements NIEM-UML

Conformance Testing Assistant - ConTesA

Assists developers by automatically identifying potential locations of non-conformance within IEPD artifact using the NIEM NDR and IEPD specifications. Works with NIEM 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and 4.0.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
Mapping Document
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Build & Validate
Implements NIEM-UML


For those users who would like to leverage only the NIEM terms and definitions when building custom JSON objects for a lightweight exchange, the NIEM Program has launched Movement. Movement is an open source tool that offers a better way to search model content and simpler way to use it. The tool provides users an intuitive way to pick and choose NIEM model content and automatically export conventional JSON Schema for their simple exchanges.

To learn more about Movement, visit the Movement overview page.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Artifacts Produced
Subset Schema
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Build & Validate
Publish & Implement
Implements NIEM-UML

Migration Assistance​

Provides assistance for wantlist migration. Works with all NIEM releases.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
Exchange Schema
Subset Schema
XML Wantlist
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Scenario Planning
Analyze Requirements
Build & Validate
Publish & Implement
Data Harmonization & Promotion
Implements NIEM-UML

Nishkarsh NIEM Tool

The Nishkarsh NIEM v1.1 NIEM product allows its users to browse the NIEM model and enable functions to support the NIEM IEPD life-cycle. The tool has features for model discovery and expansion along with the ability to generate schema subsets and validate the schema subset against NIEM conformance targets. Additionally, the tool offers ability to import the data assets through seamless integration or offline CSV files, persist the mapping between the data assets and the NIEM model for easy re-use to create or update IEPDs. Works with NIEM versions 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0 and 4.1.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Artifacts Produced
Mapping Document
Sample XML Instances
Subset Schema
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Scenario Planning
Analyze Requirements
Build & Validate
Implements NIEM-UML

Grid-ML XML Schema Viewer

Grid-ML helps business analysts and software developers build applications that work with NIEM-based message schemas. Grid-ML provides easy navigation through the data structures and fast searching into data point names, definitions, and code values. Once found, the data path and its definition can be easily copied and pasted into any document or spreadsheet.

Grid-ML comes pre-loaded with NIEM standard models and it also allows you to load any IEPD Message schema or your own custom schemas. You can search across multiple schemas at once, see how a data point is represented in the standard schemas and compare that with your system's internal data structures.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Model Release
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Implements NIEM-UML

Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect is a UML Modeling tool. Users build their IEPDs to generate the subset schemas from the model to produce exchange files, static artifacts, metadata and catalog files.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Model Release
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Artifacts Produced
Business Processes
Business Rules
Business Requirements
Constraint Schema
Exchange Content Model (UML)
Exchange Schema
Extension Schema
Mapping Document
Sample XML Instances
Sequence Diagrams
Subset Schema
Use Cases
XML Wantlist
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Scenario Planning
Analyze Requirements
Build & Validate
Publish & Implement
Assemble & Document
Implements NIEM-UML

NIEM Java Binding Tool

An open source Java tool that uses Maven and JAXB to implement NIEM-based exchanges. The functions within the tool can generate consistent bindings to Java objects for NIEM schema subsets and extension schema documents. It contains example REST services with XML, and can:

  • Generate binding configuration files based on an IEPD
  • Generate Java binding classes at compile time for NIEM schema documents and package into a reusable jar
  • Accommodate updates to an IEPD through unit testing in the project
  • Run sample tests of bindings that generate random data for the IEPD, verifying correctness of the exchange implementation
Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Artifacts Produced
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Publish & Implement
Implements NIEM-UML

MagicDraw - Cameo NIEM Plugin

The first commercially available tool that is 100% in line with the NIEM-UML standard. It is one tool for full information exchange life-cycle development.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Model Release
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
Business Processes
Business Rules
Business Requirements
Constraint Schema
Exchange Content Model (UML)
Exchange Schema
Extension Schema
Main Document
Mapping Document
Sample XML Instances
Sequence Diagrams
Subset Schema
Use Cases
XML Stylesheets
XML Wantlist
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Scenario Planning
Analyze Requirements
Build & Validate
Publish & Implement
Assemble & Document
Implements NIEM-UML

NIEM Wayfarer

NIEM Wayfarer provides search and discovery for the NIEM data model with detailed information for each element and type. Development is funded by the National Center for State Courts.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Artifacts Produced
Mapping Document
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Publish & Implement
Assemble & Document
Data Harmonization & Promotion
Implements NIEM-UML

CAM Editor Toolkit

The CAM editor is an open source toolkit for building and deploying information exchanges and Open Data APIs using NIEM and XML or JSON with SQL. The CAM toolkit provides an intuitive approach using a WYSIWYG visual structure editor to dramatically simplify the process of developing and managing XML business information exchanges and schema. This gives developers control, insights and analysis that are needed for consistent, interoperable and reliable exchanges. The CAM toolkit also automates the tasks of generating supporting artifacts such as NIEM IEPD business documentation, cross-reference spreadsheets, component dictionaries, models, XML Schema, XMI, JAXB data bindings and test XML instances generation including SQL data extracts. Visual SQL data mapping to existing SQL databases and Open Data web service generation is also provided. Runtime exchange validation services integration with middleware is delivered with the CAMV Java engine including XPath business rules. Complete lifecycle delivery for NIEM exchanges and IEPDs and associated web services and data integration is also available.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Artifacts Produced
Exchange Schema
Mapping Document
Subset Schema
XML Wantlist
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Analyze Requirements
Build & Validate
Publish & Implement
Assemble & Document
Implements NIEM-UML

IEPD Template

A simple IEPD template that can be forked to a new github repository that was designed to be a starting point for IEPD creators. A user can leverage the template as the starting point for his/her own IEPD (based on the template). 

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Artifacts Produced
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Assemble & Document
Implements NIEM-UML

Crossflo CDX ExchangeBuilder

CDX ExchangeBuilder is a COTS design-time tool that automates the processes and reduces the time associated with creating NIEM MPDs, IEPD’s and LEXS Digest messages. It provides full lifecycle management of all exchange artifacts, built upon a pure XML semantic metadata registry. The CDX registry contains a comprehensive canonical model of all the data elements, definitions, and relationships for creating business models, logical models, and physical schema packages for information exchanges. ExchangeBuilder contains a notation-neutral GUI and includes an automated, wizard-driven tool that allows users to create their own repository to build IEPDs using NIEM objects. The CDX ExchangeBuilder has been granted a U.S. Patent for its novel approach to both the creation of NIEM IEPD’s (using an ISO 11179-compliant XML Registry and Repository) and it’s unique and powerful platform for the management of enterprise exchange artifacts, which can be either hosted locally or accessed via secure cloud-based SaaS.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Model Release
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
Constraint Schema
Exchange Schema
Extension Schema
Main Document
Mapping Document
Subset Schema
Use Cases
XML Wantlist
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Build & Validate
Publish & Implement
Assemble & Document
Implements NIEM-UML

Visual NIEM

Displays NIEM elements in a graphical format, as a large wheel. Development is funded by the National Center for State Courts.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Artifacts Produced
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Implements NIEM-UML

Code List Generator

Provides the ability to build an XML Schema file for code sets from an Excel spreadsheet. Works with all NIEM versions: 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
Exchange Schema
Subset Schema
XML Wantlist
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Build & Validate
Implements NIEM-UML

IEPD Clearinghouse

Search for an existing NIEM exchange to reuse or share an exchange you developed.​

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Artifacts Produced
Use Cases
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Publish & Implement
Implements NIEM-UML

NIEM Modeling Tool

The NIEM Modeling Tool is a community-owned open source tool that simplifies building NIEM exchanges using NIEM-UML. This tool leverages Eclipse with a NIEM-specific plug-in. Users may either access the tool through the source code files which requires build/compile or the pre-packaged installation files to download the tool directly.

Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Artifacts Produced
Exchange Content Model (UML)
Exchange Schema
Extension Schema
Subset Schema
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Build & Validate
Implements NIEM-UML

Work With IEPDs

Provides the ability to create and browse IEPDs available in the IEPD repositories accessible to the public for reuse. NIEM 3.0 update in progress.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
Exchange Schema
Mapping Document
Subset Schema
XML Wantlist
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Build & Validate
Assemble & Document
Implements NIEM-UML

Schema Central

When creating an IEPD, users need to be able to easily search and navigate the NIEM model to decide which components from NIEM they want to reuse. Schema Central allows users to search and navigate the NIEM model and other related XML schemas. It provides detailed documentation, advanced searching capabilities, and "where used" information, such as "which elements use this type," "which elements are substitutable for this element," etc.

Administrative Contact
Relevant MPD Classes
Model Release
Information Exchange (IEPD)
Enterprise Model (EIEM) / Business Component (BIEC)
Domain Update
Core Update
Artifacts Produced
IEPD Lifecycle Phases
Map & Model
Implements NIEM-UML
NIEM and its partners have no ownership, nor provide any license for use of any non-government tool listed. Please reference information provided with each tool, as license and ownership may vary. None of the tools listed have been given to the government and are not considered gifts to the government.
DISCLAIMER/NO ENDORSEMENT: NIEM and its partners do not endorse any tool. The NIEM Tools Catalog is designed for informational purposes and the convenience of users. NIEM does not provide any expressed or implied warranty for information contained in this web page. Reference in these web pages to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name, does not constitute endorsement, certification, recommendation, or preferential treatment by NIEM. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of NIEM, and agreement with those views may not be implied in advertising. NIEM reserves the right to remove tools and associated links to third party web pages that no longer meet content criteria. NIEM makes no guarantee that third party links, software, tools, and/or content will be error or virus-free—if you encounter any of these issues, please send us your feedback. To read our full disclaimer, please click here.​​​