Prevention Research Expertise Survey (PRES)

Picture of laptop and message saying Take the PRES Survey now

We developed the Prevention Research Expertise Survey (PRES) to build a directory of experts in research methods and study designs.

Why should you participate?

Sharing your specific methodological and content area expertise can help improve the quality of prevention research supported by the NIH. Your responses will be added to a directory of experts, which NIH staff can use to identify the most appropriate reviewers for NIH study sections.

Based on your skill set and interest, you may be asked to serve as a peer reviewer for prevention-related research applications, or you may be asked to speak at an NIH seminar or workshop. Your participation is strictly voluntary. 

How long will it take to complete the survey?

Roughly 15–25 minutes.

How will your privacy be protected?

The information you enter in PRES will only be used to populate the electronic directory. Your responses and information will not be shared with anyone outside the Department of Health and Human Services.

Last updated on June 5, 2020